Debra Thyme

Moderator SCDiet.Net


Coping with Crohn's Disease with the Specific Carbohydrate Diet

After several tests and scopes, I was diagnosed on March 17, 2002 with Crohn's Colitis. The next year, a Prometheus blood test narrowed it down to Crohn's Disease. I could not tolerate very many foods or medicine.

I lost around 30 pounds between January and March. In December 2005, I decided to try the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. By January, I had all the appliances and ingredients needed. I was on the intro through the holidays that year. I immediately noticed an improvement in sleep. I could maintain food more than pre-SCD but it took several years to get that normal.

I still ended up in the ER March 2006 to have IV antibiotics, blood, steroids and fluids. I have had numerous blood and/or iron infusions over the years. The last was 18 months ago. My labs are coming back great. My weight is stable. I started the diet on Imuran, prednisone and Pentasa. I have not had to take prednisone or Imuran since 2006. It took six months to taper the prednisone without flaring.

Dehydration and anemia are still things to watch and I cannot eat whatever I want. I still have to be careful and not vary too far off SCD. There are some things I have been able to add back in to a normal diet but everything in moderation. My tastes have changed in eight years and I prefer SCD foods. I feel better and have an overall sense of well-being. Sometimes I wonder if I have gluten sensitivity or if I'm just one of those who has to stay strict SCD for life.

Just for fun, my favorite SCD foods are pecan butter, Lois Lang's Luscious Almond Bread and homemade mayonnaise. Marilyn's Mock Chocolate Cake is my favorite cake.

The anemia and energy levels have been the hardest to regain. Physically, getting back into shape has been extremely hard also. Things are still improving daily as long as I am on SCD and try to keep stress levels reasonable. I still have one or two days every once in awhile where things are not so great but I know what to do now.

ra, 43 Crohn's/Colitis