Research and treatment news Articles Longer articles are placed here. From: Midas Gold <> To: Subject: Re: Nobody Likes Me, Everybody Hates Me... More on worms, with an SCD-friendly twist at the end... Wonderful worms (New Scientist article) Andy Coghlan REGULAR DOSES OF WORMS might rid people of inflammatory bowel disease, say researchers in Iowa. They believe this distressing condition, which is increasingly common in the developed world, is caused by the absence of intestinal parasites. "We're living in sterile boxes, breathing sterile air and drinking sterile water," says Joel Weinstock, who led the research. Weinstock and his colleagues at the University of Iowa have already fed six sufferers eggs that hatched and developed into parasitic worms. The results were so dramatic that they are planning a larger trial this autumn. Between the second and third week after treatment, five of the six patients went into complete remission," says Weinstock. A single dose of worms eased symptoms for about a month. Inflammatory bowel disease--an umbrella term for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease--appears to be caused by an overactive immune system. Symptoms include diarrhoea, abdominal pain, bowel obstruction and bleeding. Weinstock noticed that the rise in inflammatory bowel disease was preceded by a decline in intestinal worm infections. Seventy years ago, he says, 40 per cent of American children had worms such as Ascaris lumbricoides, which grow up to 20 centimetres long. As recently as the 1940s, many were infected with smaller whipworms (Trichuris trichuria). "By the 1960s, kids no longer had it," says Weinstock. "The worms living in the gastrointestinal tract have been with us for 3 million years or longer," he says. "Our immune systems have grown used to their presence." And without such parasites, Weinstock believes the immune system is more likely to produce powerful inflammatory agents such as gamma-interferon, which fire up the activity of white blood cells called macrophages. "As we've de-wormed, people have developed immune systems which are not damped," he says. The six patients in the initial trial were chosen because steroids and other drugs designed to dampen down the immune system had not helped. Working with his colleagues David Elliott and Robert Summers, Weinstock gave each patient a drink containing microscopic eggs of a species of intestinal worm that doesn't normally infect people. Although these worms can survive in the human gut, growing to about 1 centimetre, they cannot reproduce and are eliminated after a couple of months. Balfour Sartor, an expert on inflammatory bowel disease at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, is intrigued by Weinstock's experiment. "It's an appealing way of using something that's of fairly low toxicity to treat a set of diseases that for now we don't have a cure for," he says. Sartor is himself experimenting with Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium gut bacteria, again with the idea that they may have dampening effects on the immune system. However, there is still a long way to go before doses of worms or bacteria emerge as an accepted treatment for inflammatory bowel disease. Larger controlled trials are needed to show that the results obtained so far aren't merely due to the placebo effect. - end of quoted article - -- Deanna From: Teresa Anderson-Little <> To: Subject: SCD - good diet! Protein-Rich Diets May Reduce Heart Disease Risk (The Medical Tribune) - Contradicting the theory that high- protein diets may promote heart disease, researchers have found that a menu rich in animal and vegetable proteins may actually cut heart-disease risk. Loren Cordain's article "Cereal Grains: Humanity's Double Edged Sword" in World Review of Nutrition & Dietetics, 1999, no 84, page 19-73, and in the book 'Evolutionary Aspects of Nutrition and Health - Diet, Exercise, Genetics and Chronic Disease' is worth reading! A summary of the book can be found at this web page: The book is a compilation of articles showing how humanity's genetic makeup has been directly influenced by nutritional selective pressures and how our present day diet may be discordant with our stone age genome. The book is rather expensive and very technical and scientific in its language, but the description on the page is worth reading. Here's a roundup of what CCFA is featuring on their site, * CLINICAL TRIAL ALERT: An ongoing clinical trial is enrolling patients to test an experimental drug as a treatment for Crohn's disease. The drug is called ISIS 2302. It is being developed by Isis Pharmaceuticals, a biotechnology company pioneering in a new area of drug discovery called antisense-technology. ISIS 2302 works through an antisense mechanism. This drug works at the genetic level to inhibit the production of proteins that plays a role in Crohn's, as well as other inflammatory diseases. That protein is called ICAM-1. More information can be found at: * THE 1999 CCFA RESEARCH REPORT: A researcher once said that studying Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis is "like looking for a needle in a haystack." Actually, it's more like looking for several needles, in haystacks of all shapes and sizes. But, we have made great strides in the past decade. A hypothesis is forming to explain inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Check out this story at: Visit the Weekly Features section at: to view all the parts of the research report. (Some parts have yet to be posted, but will be posted in the coming weeks).
From: "paulah" <> Hi all, From: Sarah Krein <> Subject: Crohn's Disease on Increase The results of a retrospective study of the incidence of
paediatric IBD over an 11 year period have recently been made public.
These findings are in direct contract to figures published in mid-80s on children in Scandinavia. The annual incidence of crohns disease was only 2.5 per 100,000 per year, but the incidence of UC was much greater than 4.3 per 100,000 per year. In Norway and Sweden, the incidence of UC was greater than that of CD. The reasons for such a variation in the incidence of CD in some areas is unknown. In 1993, the prevalence of CD in the childhood population of Wales was 16.6 per 100,000 and of UC, 3.42 per 100,000. How interesting! love From: Tina Guarasci <> To: Subject: searching journal articles For those of you who are interested in searching through journal articles
for the latest research being done on IBD and related issues, the following
address allows you to search through Medline (a database of published
articles) for free. Happy searching, From: Diane Mathison To: Mik Aidt Subject: Re: RE: Infectious Microbes Under Suspicion An interesting article recently describes Giardia as being "the only common primary infection causing chronic malabsorption", and "Giardia is perhaps the most common cause of chronic malabsorption in North America". It also says that a Giardia infection causes a "celiac-like syndrome". Diane From: To: <> Subject: Re: digestive diseases / bacteria (Off-Topic) Dr. Mirkin, of the radio show, suggests treatment of Crohn's as though it were caused by bacteria, saying that the body would not be so stupid as to attack itself. Here's a link: There are other links as well. Michelle CD From: Mik Aidt To: Subject: Infectious Microbes Under Suspicion On the front page of the International Herald Tribune,
Tuesday, March 2, 1999,
an article titled "Can a Person 'Catch' Heart Disease? Maybe -- Infectious
Microbes Under Suspicion" states that a growing number of scientists believe
that many illnesses long presumed to have roots in genes or lifestyle might be
caused largely by infectious agents. The full article can be found (this week only) on this webpage: Yours, From: To: Subject: Re: Infectious Microbes Under Suspicion The press is finaly getting the message. Now if the medical bunch could just admit that they were wrong for a change. Similar story in the Washington Post on March 1. From: "John Vazquez" <> To: Subject: interesting website This cousin of mine who is a veterinarian told me about this website that discusses the possible link between Crohns and the Mycobacterium Paratuberculosis. Check it out it is very interesting. Also, I have been on the diet for almost 7 months now and I appear to be in complete remission, I have no symptoms at all, and I have put on over 23 pounds, I actually have to start watching that I don't eat too much. John Vazquez Crohns From: Roy deCarvalho <> To: Subject: News about new germ theory News worth reading about germs (they are just realizing we were right): Roy Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 19:59:50 +0100 From: (mik aidt) To: Subject: Fiber, Sugar and the Risk of Colorectal Cancer Hi everyone in the group, I came across an article, "Dietary Fiber and the Risk of Colorectal Cancer and Adenoma in Women", in the last issue of The New England Journal of Medicine (January 21, 1999, Volume 340, Number 3) which I find interesting in regard to Gottshall's and Lutz's findings of the many negative effects sugar has on our bodies. This is a quote from the editorial of the issue which is entitled "Fiber and Colorectal Cancer -- Where to Now?": "Is it really a surfeit of sugar, not an absence of fiber, that causes the risk of colorectal cancer to increase? Somewhat ignored, sugar consumption is consistently associated with the risk of colorectal cancer, and in a dose-response fashion. Perhaps a high intake of calories, aberrant responses to carbohydrates, and a lack of physical activity are also relevant." This being said in regard to cancer, not to colitis. However, concerning sugar as well as physical activity, these new findings are - as far as I can see - confirming why we SCD'ers are on the right track. In Denmark, results of another survey were published recently, stating that scientists now have evidence that four hours of exercise a week (approx. half an hour a day) has a significant effect on the healing process for patients with colon cancer. The New England Journal of Medicine article summary and editoral can be found at: Yours, Mik Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 09:39:46 -0500 From: "Serge, Luba" <> To: Subject: JAMA & alternative medicine Some interesting articles from the JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association) on alternative medicine. What do you think, is this a sincere interest in alternatives or are they realising that they are loosing their prestige and missing out on lucrative practices? Luba (mother of Lara, CD) Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 00:48:31 +1000 From: Phillips <> To: Subject: Re: Entecort off-topic wrote: > I have been surfing the net trying to find more information on Entecort made > by Astra also known as budesonide.Claudette had mentioned she might have some > info. I am very interested and will be willing to go to any lengths to get it > (even take Chanelle to Canada to a Dr. there as it is not available in the > U.S.) We are on our third attempt to get her off prednisone and God willing we > will succeed time but if not we have to find a safer alternative because of > the long term side effects of the pred. Any leads will be greatly appreciated > Jill UC Did you see the posting on "Infliximab"?? It's something new that just got approved in the states. It's what I'm trying to get my doctor to prescribe to me. I don't like the side effects of prednisone and the Pentasa is not doing everything I need it to do. Infliximab (also known as Remicade) has only a few side effects, IF you get any side effects at all, and it's an injection....not like a continuous pill taking escapade that I endure now. It is a combination of human and mouse (watch out for those unusual cravings for cheese and unexplainably sudden fear of cats (I'm kidding!!)), antibodies that bind to something in your body that causes the inflammation. It doesn't supress your immune system...which was the next thing on my list to try (immunosupressants). I'm not sure what the web page address is, but if you use a search engine and look up "Infliximab" or "Remicade" it should turn up something. The other is a little expensive, but no more I suppose then all the pills....hope it helps. Peace & Protect.... Crystal Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 07:16:29 -0800 From: "Ben Montag" <> To: Subject: Research Group: I was just reading the CCFA site. There is an article that Bayer Corp. is initiating a study of Ciproflaxin (an antibiotic) for treating Ulcerative Colitis. The signifigance to us is the study is prompted by the conclusion that "a number of intestinal pathogens (e.g., bacteria) are associated with relapses of ulcerative colitis, and may act as triggering factors." Though this is not the direction we would like to see research go, this does give us all ammunition when we are in discussions with skeptical gastroenterologists that there is a bacterial cause to our disease. Benjamin Til: Emne: CCFA WEB SITE UPDATE Dato: 28. august 1998 20:31 Greetings from CCFA! Here's an update of recent stories and new sections you'll find on our Web site, at : NEW STORIES: ** As you may know, our big story this week was the approval of Remicade+, a new drug for Crohn's disease. You can find the story at ** Speaking of Crohn's, there have also been some new findings on the drug budesonide: ** Here's a topic we're all interested in: the intimate relationship of sex and IBD. Look out, Dr. Ruth! Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 14:58:27 -0800 From: "Ben Montag" <> To: Subject: chat-medical references Linda, The best medical overview of Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis I have found is Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis by Dr. Fred Saibil. It is an excellent reference of what the diseases are and what treatments are available. However, he does not deal with the SCD diet or alternative medicines at all. The book can be bought at There are also plenty of reviews there to judge for yourself. Benjamin From: T G <> To: Subject: Diet and Chrohn's article I thought some people might be interested in a recent review article that I've found. So far I have only read the abstract, but I will be getting the article to read soon. The reference is: Nutritional therapy in Crohn's disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 1998 Feb;4(1):45-53. Review. Here is a copy of the abstract: "The value of nutritional support in the prevention and treatment of malnutrition in Crohn's disease is undisputed but its role in primary therapy continues to be debated. Controlled trials have demonstrated that enteral nutrition induces remission rates comparable to that of corticosteroid therapy in Crohn's disease and remains the treatment of choice for specific subgroups such as children with signs of growth impairment and patients with intolerable steroid-induced side effects. The mechanism by which an enteral diet induces remission in Crohn's disease is unclear. Bowel rest, reduced antigenic load, nutritional effects, the provision of trophic amino acids, modification of gut flora, intestinal permeability, or fecal pH have been proposed. Equally, the fat profile of the feed may reduce pro-inflammatory ecosanoid synthesis and thus modify disease activity. Maintaining long-term remission remains a challenge in the management of this disease. Cyclic administration of enteral diets, maintenance drug therapy, fat manipulated formulas, or fish oil therapy may be strategies to prolong diet-induced remission. In the future, nutrient derivatives that play a role in the protective processes of the intestinal mucosa may have application in nutritional therapy in Crohn's disease. " Take care, Tina Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 09:29:36 -0400 From: T G <> To: Subject: enteral/parenteral I will try to clear up the issue of what exactly the people in the study on diet and Crohn's were eating when I get my hands on the actutal article. Unfortunately, the library at the University here does not carry it, so I will have to do some looking around. The thing I found most significant about the abstract was the statement that these type of diets might work because of their effect on gut flora. Since this is what we are doing with our diet, I thought it was important that a study out there actually recognized that fact. Take care, Tina Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 11:00:11 -0700 From: "Benke, Anna" <> To: "Ibdlist (E-mail)" <>, "SCD (E-mail)" <> Subject: Scientists isolate immune system 'on/off switch' 07:42 AM ET 09/29/98 Scientists isolate immune system 'on/off switch' By Jonathan Birt LONDON, Sept 29 (Reuters) - Scientists have isolated a gene which they believe acts as an on/off switch for the body's immune system, promising new ways of treating conditions ranging from cancer to Crohn's Disease, the British company behind the breakthrough said on Tuesday. Researchers at the U.S. arm of Chiroscience Group Plc are also close to locating a second gene which could reverse bone wasting caused by osteoporosis, a condition which affects millions of people over 60 and leads to more than one million fractures in the U.S. every year. Research and Development Director Robert Jackson said uncovering the gene which regulates the body's immune response could one day lead to development of a whole new range of drugs. ''Sometimes you want to turn it off and sometimes you want to turn it on,'' Jackson told Reuters. Turning the immune system on or up could help in conditions like AIDS and cancer, where the body's efforts to fight off tumours are currently too weak. ''If we could strengthen that, we could develop drugs to help the body react to tumours,'' Jackson said. But switching it off or down might be useful in a range of diseases caused by an overly fierce immune response -- such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, psoriasis, Crohn's Disease, ulcerative colitis and allergy. Gene-based research at the former Darwin Molecular business in Seattle, Washington, which Chiroscience bought in 1996, is also close to locating a mutant gene which may offer a way of reversing the effects of osteoporosis for the first time. Scientists are studying around 100 people and their families in South Africa with extremely strong bones caused by a mutant gene which causes bone density to increase as people age -- the exact opposite of osteoporosis. ''We are close to identifying a unique bone structure gene for osteoporosis,'' Chief Executive Officer John Padfield told Reuters. ''All other treatments try to stop bone loss getting worse. What our gene appears to do is increase bone density very substantially -- if this turns out to be true when we test a drug, that would be a revolutionary treatment for osteoporosis.'' The company announced the discoveries as part of a day-long update on its research and development activities. Shares in Chiroscience were up seven percent or 17 1/2 pence in early afternoon trading in London. Chiroscience said it will also work with the small British genome company Gemini Research, which has built up a database of genetic information based on identical twins. The two companies are to look for mutant genes linked to obesity. ^REUTERS@ Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 17:48:06 -0500 From: "Bixler, Cindy" <> To: "''" <> Subject: RE: Infliximab > -----Original Message----- > From: macneil [] > Sent: Monday, August 24, 1998 4:36 PM > To: > Subject: infliximab > > On our news today there was an item re a new drug called Infliximab which > just received FDA approval in the US for the treatment of Crohn's. > Apparently it is a radical new treatment as it neutralizes an antibody > which > attacks the protein involved in Crohn's. > If anyone comes across info regarding it could you send it to me? > I'm in Canada so info on it is scarce so far. > -I wonder if it also helps UC. > Thanks-Cathy > Here is the article... Crohn's Disease Drug Approved About 400,000 Americans have Crohn's disease, a severe gastrointestinal tract inflammation that causes diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever and weight loss. The Associated Press W A S H I N G T O N, Aug. 24 - The Food and Drug Administration today approved a revolutionary treatment for the debilitating bowel disorder Crohn's disease: A biologically engineered antibody that attacks a protein responsible for much of patients' misery. Centocor Inc.'s infliximab is a part-human, part-mouse antibody, to be sold under the brand name Remicade. About 400,000 Americans have Crohn's disease, a severe gastrointestinal tract inflammation that causes diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever and weight loss. In severe cases, patients develop intestinal blockages and ulcer-like channels called fistulas that burrow through the bowel wall. It mostly strikes women, usually between ages 20 and 35. There is no cure. Most patients are treated with steroids to reduce the inflammation; some require repeat surgeries to remove damaged parts of the intestine. Remicade is a monoclonal antibody, a biologically engineered drug that sweeps through the body hunting down and neutralizing tumor necrosis factor, a protein that causes much of the intestinal inflammation. In a study of 108 moderate to severe Crohn's patients, 82 percent who received an injection of Remicade improved, including 48 percent who went into remission. That compares with 16 percent of patients who improved while taking a placebo. Heals Fistula Sores In the worst-case patients, Centocor says Remicade is the first medicine documented to heal open fistulas: 68 percent had at least half of their ulcer-like sores close during therapy, vs. 26 percent of patients who received dummy injections. But the benefits wear off: patients benefited most within the two to four weeks after a single dose, the government said, and the percentage of patients who saw benefits then fell over the next few months. As part of the drug's approval, Centocor agreed to study whether the drug also works over a longer time period, and whether it is safe for long-term use, the government said. Side effects included hives, shortness of breath or reduction of blood pressure during the drug's infusion. Patients also may suffer nausea, fatigue and infection, the company warned. Centocor says pharmacies should have supplies of Remicade in early October. A price was not immediately announced. Patients may also know the drug as Avakine, the name Centocor first used when testing it. <<...>> Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 13:45:17 -0400 From: "Serge, Luba" <> To: Subject: OFF TOPIC (UK - milk and Crohn's disease) The link between milk, mycobacterium paratuberculosis & Crohn's disease seems to be hitting the news in the UK today. Just a bit came over the radio here but the BBC seems to have good coverage. Thought it might be of interest. LS Date: Sun, 02 Aug 1998 13:09:12 PDT Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 12:02:58 -0400 From: Midas Gold <> To:, SCD@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU Subject: A Gut Feeling For anyone who's interested, here is an IBD/gut bacteria thesis that draws strikingly different dietary conclusions than does Elaine Gottschall in _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_. (Also placed here) Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 13:09:12 PDT From: C Smith <csmithz@HOTMAIL.COM> Subject: News about ISIS Drug trial This was released by ISIS pharmaceuticals on June 10, 1998 via the PR Newswires (actually for stock holders) === Isis Crohn's Disease Drug Shows Evidence of Durable Remission, Steroid-Sparing And Fistula Healing Effects Results of Phase II Trial Show Inhibition of ICAM-1 and Other Inflammatory Markers, Supporting Antisense Mechanism CARLSBAD, Calif., June 10 /PRNewswire/ -- In the June 1998 issue of Gastroenterology, Isis Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: ISIP - news) and Crohn's disease academic researchers report on the results of a well-controlled 20-patient Phase II trial of ISIS 2302 in the treatment of Crohn's disease. These results show a statistically significant lowering of steroid requirements (p=0.0001) in ISIS 2302-treated patients, and show that by the end of the one month treatment period, ISIS 2302 produced disease remission (Crohn's Disease Activity Index <150) in 47% of patients treated with the drug. The mean duration of remission was prolonged; at the end of the 6-month trial, 5 of the 7 ISIS 2302-treated remitters were still in remission following a single course of treatment. In addition, at the end of 6 months, corticosteroid treatment was completely discontinued in 33% (5 of 15) of the ISIS 2302 treated patients and in no placebo patients. Long-term steroid use can cause severe side effects including osteoporosis, immune suppression and endocrinological changes. This publication includes data on the 20-patient, double-blinded, placebo- controlled, randomized (3:1; ISIS 2302: placebo) Phase II trial which were previously presented at two scientific conferences, as well as data supporting that ISIS 2302 is working through an antisense mechanism. The publication is entitled, ''A Placebo-Controlled Trial of an ICAM-1 Antisense Oligonucleotide in the Treatment of Crohn's Disease.'' The authors are Bruce R. Yacyshyn, M.D., Mary Beth Bowen-Yacyshyn, Ph.D., Lawrence Jewell, M.D., of the Department of Gastroenterology, University of Alberta, Edmonton; Joseph A. Tami, Pharm.D., C. Frank Bennett, Ph.D., Daniel L. Kisner, M.D., and William R. Shanahan, Jr., M.D., of Isis Pharmaceuticals. ISIS 2302 is an antisense inhibitor of intercellular adhesion molecule -1 (ICAM-1), a cell adhesion molecule implicated in a wide range of inflammatory diseases and conditions. The drug is a key asset in the cell adhesion collaboration between Isis and Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH. A 300-patient pivotal quality trial of ISIS 2302 in patients with steroid- dependent Crohn's disease is underway in North America and Europe. Fistulae Healing Two patients who had an open fistula when they entered the study and were treated with ISIS 2302 experienced healing of their fistula. Fistulae are open channels from the bowel to the skin and other organs through which fecal matter can drain, causing soiling, pain and infection. In addition, both patients in this study with gastroduodenal Crohn's disease (located where the stomach meets the intestine) were treated with ISIS 2302, and both experienced resolution of upper gastrointestinal obstructive symptoms during the course of treatment. These two patients remain free of their obstructive symptoms after over one year following treatment with ISIS 2302. ''The ability of ISIS 2302 to produce durable remissions in patients with steroid-dependent Crohn's disease, to heal fistulae and to reduce and, in many patients, eliminate steroid use, strongly suggests that ISIS 2302 can be an important treatment for Crohn's disease,'' said Bruce R. Yacyshyn, M.D., Division of Gastroenterology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, and lead author on the paper. Antisense Mechanism Supported Newly released findings reported in the Gastroenterology article suggest a strong correlation between treatment with ISIS 2302, reduction in ICAM-1 expression in affected bowel tissue and apparent release of proinflammatory lymphocytes from the gut. In the intestinal mucosa of patients treated with ISIS 2302, decreases in ICAM-1 expression (CD54) were seen in significantly more of the ISIS 2302-treated patients than placebo-treated patients, and higher doses of ISIS 2302 produced greater effects. In addition, an increase in peripheral blood T-cells bearing the adhesion molecules alpha-d and beta-7, which are involved in lymphocyte homing to the intestine, was observed. The correlation of ICAM-1 inhibition and the apparent release of immune cells from the intestine suggest that suppression of ICAM-1 results in an interruption of the immune cell intestinal trafficking and retention that are critical to the perpetuation of the inflammatory disease process. This interruption may allow restoration of normal bowel mucosal integrity and immune function, thereby resulting in prolonged disease suppression. ''In patients treated with ISIS 2302, the changes observed in peripheral blood lymphocyte and intestinal mucosal expression of adhesion molecules strongly suggest a therapeutic effect with ISIS 2302 achieved through an antisense mechanism of action. These data provide the first evidence of an interplay in inflammatory disease between specific cell adhesion molecules, with potential implications for designing antiinflammatory drugs in the future,'' said Dr. Yacyshyn. This press release contains forward-looking statements concerning the therapeutic potential of ISIS 2302, an antisense drug in development for Crohn's disease and other inflammatory disorders. Such statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties, particularly those inherent in the process of discovering, developing and commercializing drugs that are safe and effective for use as human therapeutics. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in this release. As a result, the reader is cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements. These and other risks concerning the therapeutic potential of ISIS 2302 are described in additional detail in Isis' Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997 and in the company's most recent quarterly report on Form 10-Q, which are on file with the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission, copies of which are available from the company. Isis Pharmaceuticals, based in northern San Diego County, is engaged in the discovery and development of novel human therapeutic compounds. Isis has six compounds in human clinical trials: fomivirsen, to treat CMV-induced retinitis in AIDS patients, has completed Phase III clinical trials and an NDA has been filed; ISIS 2302, an inhibitor of ICAM-1, is in a pivotal quality trial for Crohn's disease, Phase II clinical trials for renal transplant rejection, rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis, and is being explored as a topical administration for psoriasis and an aerosol administration for asthma; ISIS 3521/CGP 64128A is in Phase II trials as a treatment for cancer; ISIS 5132/CGP69846A is in Phase II clinical trials as a treatment for cancer; ISIS 2503 is in Phase I trials as a treatment for cancer; and ISIS 13312 is in Phase I/II clinical trials for the treatment of CMV retinitis in AIDS patients. The company also has several additional compounds in preclinical development. Isis' broad medicinal chemistry and biology research programs support efforts in both antisense and combinatorial drug discovery. == ISIS P. 2292 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 931-9200 ==================== Does anyone know about the current trial that ISIS is conducting? It's up to the FDA to approve it and from the Yahoo stock board ( and the stock ticker (ISIP) I found messages claiming FDA approval is due October this month....? Can someone please check with FDA ? This drug could change lives C Smith <csmithz@HOTMAIL.COM> Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 14:03:51 -0400 From: "Claudette Cameron" <> To: <> Subject: re Entocort Hello everybody; Just thought I would let you know that I have found some information re the drug Entocort.It is a new drug specifically for Chron sufferers which has been recently approved by Health Canada.If you are interested in finding out more, go to My grandson has recently been removed from prednisone and has started the Entocort.......... Claudette Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 12:59:49 -0400 From: Midas Gold <> To: Subject: Mycobacterium Paratuberculosis, CD, and Pasteurized Milk Anti-Milk Group Exposes Claim That Normal Pasteurization Kills Dangerous Bacterium in Milk Tuesday, July 14 9:07 AM ET AntiDairy Coalition Faults FDA and USDA for Misinterpreting Scientific Study NEW YORK (BUSINESS WIRE) - The AntiDairy Coalition has denounced a claim, based on a recent U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) study, that normal pasteurization practiced by dairy producers nationwide inactivates a dangerous bacterium routinely found in raw milk. In his weekly AntiDairy Coalition Newsletter column on the Internet, Coalition executive director Robert Cohen says the USDA study, which was reported in the May 10, 1998 issue of Hoard's Dairyman, a trade publication, has been completely misrepresented by the agency and by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in claiming that normal pasteurization (72 degrees centigrade for 15 seconds) destroys mycobacterium paratuberculosis, the bacterium linked to Johne's disease in cows and Crohn's disease in humans that produces persistent and severe diarrhea. Cohen, author of "Milk - the Deadly Poison," says that the USDA study actually revealed that the dangerous bacteria were not totally inactivated until after 15 minutes of pasteurization at 72 degrees centigrade. That's "very bad news for all milk drinkers," says Cohen. "Normal pasteurization at this temperature calls for only a 15-second treatment, not 15 minutes. We believe the government and Hoard's Dairyman are misleading the public into thinking pasteurized milk is safe from mycobacterium paratuberculosis when the USDA's own scientist is saying that pasteurization inactivates the bacterium only when the process maintains at least 72 degrees centigrade for at least 15 minutes. That's 14 minutes and 45 seconds longer than the normal commercial pasteurization of milk in the United States." The USDA study is entitled "Heat Inactivation of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in Raw Milk: Are Current Pasteurization Conditions Effective?" Based on this study, Hoard's Dairyman told its 100,000-plus milk producer subscribers, "Heat treatment (pasteurization) destroys this dangerous disease." Cohen says the FDA supports the same conclusion. He refers to a letter addressed to government officials from Joseph Smucker, team leader of the Milk and Safety Team at the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, a branch of the FDA. The letter says: "After a review of the available literature on the subject, it is the position of FDA that the latest research shows conclusively that commercial pasteurization does indeed eliminate this hazard." Cohen says every assertion about pasteurization's effectiveness is refuted in the abstract of the USDA study, which states: "Currently, it is not known whether commercial pasteurization effectively kills mycobacterium paratuberculosis in contaminated raw milk." "This sentence," Cohen says, "contradicts every conclusion made from this very same paper!" The senior author of the abstract is Judy Stabel, Ph.D. On the second page of Dr. Stabel's paper (published in the December 1997 issue of Applied and Environmental Microbiology), she reveals: "Bacteria were not totally inactivated until after 15 minutes of incubation (pasteurization) at 72 degrees centigrade." In her paper, Dr. Stabel also writes: "There is no definitive evidence to date that viable M. paratuberculosis is present in retail pasteurized dairy products." When she was asked why there was no evidence and if milk samples had ever been tested at retail sites, Cohen says her response was "No." When asked "Why not?" she replied, "I don't know." However, Cohen contends that British scientists have taken milk samples at the point of retail purchase and have cultured live tuberculosis bacteria from these samples. Cohen concludes that the FDA and USDA have misinterpreted Dr. Stabel's paper, and scientific evidence suggests that this dangerous bacterium survives pasteurization. "This is just another example of how Americans are being betrayed by regulatory agencies like FDA and USDA," Cohen warns. Formed in June 1998, the AntiDairy Coalition includes some of the country's top physicians and health educators: Dr. Julian Whitaker, author and editor of the monthly newsletter, Health & Healing; Dr. Charles Attwood, often called heir apparent to Dr. Benjamin Spock; Dr. Vicki Griffin; Dr. Daniel Twogood; Dr. Richard DeAndrea and Dr. Richard Schwartz. This release is available on the KCSA Public Relations website at Contact: KCSA Worldwide, New York Jennifer Urezzio, 212/896-1223 Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 10:06:49 -0700 From: David Hyde <dhyde@CCSF.CC.CA.US> Subject: diet linked to colon cancer Monday July 13 6:23 PM EDT Western diet linked to colon cancer risk NEW YORK, Jul 13 (Reuters) -- Diets rich in meat and low in fruits and vegetables may increase the risk of colon cancer, concludes a report. "The dietary pattern associated with the greatest increase in risk is the one which typifies a Western-style diet," say researchers led by Dr. Martha Slattery of the University of Utah Medical Center in Salt Lake City. According to the American Cancer Society, colon cancer kills over 46,000 people every year in the United States, making it the country's second leading cause of cancer death, after lung cancer. Experts have long speculated that certain foods and diets may influence colon cancer risk. In their study, published in the current issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology, the investigators used detailed questionnaires to ascertain the long-term eating patterns of nearly 4,400 American adults. Half of those interviewed were colon cancer patients, while the other half were healthy "controls." Men and women who ate what the researchers labeled a "Western" diet -- high in red and processed meats, refined grains and sugars, and low in fresh fruits and vegetables -- doubled their overall risk for colon cancer. This type of diet was also strongly associated with higher daily cholesterol and energy intake, weight gain, and obesity. In contrast, individuals who stuck to what the researchers labeled a "prudent" diet -- low in red meat and sugars but high in fish, poultry, fresh fruits and vegetables -- achieved a nearly 40% reduction in their colon cancer risk. These individuals also exercised more and had an average lower body weight than those on more "Western" diets. A third type of diet, where individuals substituted whole grains for processed grains, poultry for red meat, and margarine for butter, provided about a 15% reduction in risk, but statistical analysis shows that this difference may have occurred by chance. The researchers point out that these 'substituters,' "while adopting many healthy eating patterns, did not include vegetables as part of their dietary pattern and (therefore) did not experience the reduced risk of colon cancer observed in those with the prudent diet." Slattery and her colleagues believe the study "lends further support to the commonly held belief that a Western-style diet contributes to colon cancer risk and that a prudent diet, one enriched with vegetables, refined grains, fruits, fish, and poultry, may help prevent colon cancer." SOURCE: American Journal of Epidemiology 1998;148:4-16. -- _ David Hyde Office of Research and Planning City College of San Francisco 50 Phelan Ave. Rm. E203 San Francisco, CA 94112 Phone: 415.239.3227 Fax: 415.239.3010 The article is entitled: " Regions of Yersinia pestis V Antigen That Contribute to Protection against Plague - Identified by Passive and Active Immunization" and the research was carried out in England by Jim Hill, Sophie E. C. Leary, Kate F. Griffin, E. Diane Williamson, and Richard W. Titball at the Microbiology departmanet at CBD Porton Down in Salisbury, Wiltshire SP4 OJQ. At St. Bartholomew's Hospital in England, the V antigen is presently being tested on Colitis patients. In November 1997, over 2,500 gastroenterologists gathered in Chicago for the American College of Gastroenterology's 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting to discuss the latest scientific advances in GI research, treatment of digestive diseases and clinical practice management. Read the introductory paper her: NEW SCIENTIFIC ADVANCES IN GASTROENTEROLOGY PRESENTED AT COLLEGE'S 62ND ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING Some of the headlines were:
Article on Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization. Lists Crohns and other IBD/IBS diseases as being something that has been successfully treated with Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization. Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 11:39:28 +0000 From: Keith Monroe <keith.monroe@MCMAIL.COM> Subject: Dysbiosis article I now have an electronic version of the article on intestinal dysbiosis and I have permission to distribute it to people on this group. If anybody would like a copy, please send me an email. I could post the whole thing, but it's about seven pages long so I wouldn't want to waste space if only a few people are interested. Here's an introduction to the article: "With the advent of biochemical and microbial stool analysis panels, an increasing number of physicians are seeking a clearer understanding of the relationship between the ecology of the digestive tract and local and systemic factors affecting health and disease. It can be described as being due to either putrefaction, fermentation, deficiency, or sensitization. A number of inflammatory diseases within the bowel or involving skin and connective tissue have been reported in association with dysbiosis. This article details the relationships, causes, and treatment options for dysbiotic-related conditions." Keith. 4 August 1997 =====================MEDSCAPE's MedPulse(R)=================== MedPulse is Medscape's email newsletter informing registered members of new content posted on the world's leading medical Web site. Crohn's disease has features in common with Johne's disease, an intestinal infection of animals caused by Mycobacterium paratuberculosis. Molecular biologic techniques have been used to find a link between Crohn's disease and mycobacteria, but these studies have yielded conflicting results so far. [Infect Med 14(7):569-573, 1997] READ THE FULL-TEXT ARTICLES ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB at: Link to article may be found at: Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 18:22:45 -0700 From: Dempsey <stellar1@PACBELL.NET> Subject: Bowel Disease and Diet Here is an excellant article on reactive bowel disease and diet. There are a few references in it that back up Elaine's hypothesis for the elimination of dairy and cereal grains. For example: "In a study by V. Alum Jones et al, 67% of patients with IBS improved after one week on a strict diet. The GIT disturbance was related to increased levels of Prostaglandin E2 and not related to IgE-mediated hypersensitivity. Nanda et al implicated dairy products and cereal grains in IBS; almost half of the 200 patients were treated with diet revision, and almost half improved. Pagenelli showed similar improvement on a restricted diet and increased GIT permeability to beta-lactoglobulin was demonstrated in 3 patients using serum measurements with a sensitive immunoradiometric assay after milk challenge. Circulating immune complexes after challenge with milk were demonstrated in 9 of 13 patients before diet revision. The addition of cromolyn sodium ( Nalcrom), a mast-cell stabilizing agent, improved symptom remission in some patients." Denise Question Mon, 7 Jul 1997 9:34:03 GMT Hi everyone, I found an article on "Current Medical Therapy for Inflamatory Bowel Disease" on the net lately (Full text under: Especially the part on "Short-Chain Fatty Acids" (see below) aroused my interest. Does anyone of you know a brand name of such a medicament? Pharmacists and doctors here haven`t heard of it at all. Miroslav Germany "Short-Chain Fatty Acids Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), especially butyrate, are the preferred energy substrate for distal colonic epithelial cells. Decreased fecal concentrations of SCFA have been shown to occur in patients with ulcerative colitis but not Crohn's colitis. Table 3 summarizes clinical studies on the use of SCFA enemas for active distal ulcerative colitis. The clinical response rates of 56% to 90% are slightly lower than those reported for hydrocortison or mesalamine enemas. The uniqueness of SCFA therapy is that the presumed mechanism of action is feeding the colon rather than altering its immune response. SCFA therapy given concurrently with other agents might offer even more promise. In fact, one small uncontrolled trial reported a 100% response rate using a combination SCFA/5-ASA enema therapy in patients with previously refractory distal ulcerative colitis." Re: Question Tue, 8 Jul 1997 0:07:32 GMT Hi, Miroslav. I've been trying to find out about this, too, without much success (haven't had too much time). I also came across a paper that said they were studying aloe vera for SFA's. SFA's (like butyric acid) are also produced in a normally-functioning bowel from enzymes working on fibre. D. Hartl RMT Re: MedLine Search confirms link between High Carbohydrate In... Sat, 12 Jul 1997 11:09:50 GMT I would like to make a supplement to this: >In a recent IBDlist digest, someone mentioned the free MedLine link at >the National Institute of Health's National Library of Medicine, at > I am using Medline as often as possible and did find another interesting article recently: Martini & Brendes: Increased Consumption of Refined Crabohydrates in Patients with CD. Klin. Wschr. 54, 367-371 1976. Conclutions from reading: There was an significant difference in intake of refined suger between 63 patients and a control group of 63: 482 gram/week against 285 gram/week. Before the disease was recognized the patients consumed even greater amount: 742 gram/week!! Martini and Brandes suggests that: "It is possible that the increased consumtion of suger for many years may lead lead to changes in the intestinal bacterial flora and general milieu in such a way that the mucosa may be damaged..." This trial from 1976 (!) has certainly been IGNORED by school medicine. Odd Oivind Bergstad
MedLine Search confirms link between High Carbohydrate Intake and IBD Fri, 11 Jul 1997 18:36:36 GMT In a recent IBDlist digest, someone mentioned the free MedLine link at the National Institute of Health's National Library of Medicine, at I followed the link to MedLine and did a search there on Carbohydrate and Diet and IBD. I found the following: Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 7 (1): 47-51 (Jan 1995) Dietary habits as risk factors for inflammatory bowel disease. by Tragnone A, Valpiani D, Miglio F, Elmi G, Bazzocchi G, Pipitone E, Lanfranchi GA Division of Internal Medicine, Bellaria Hospital, University of Bologna, Italy. OBJECTIVE: To examine the influence of dietary factors in Italian patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. DESIGN: We studied dietary habits immediately prior to the onset of disease in 104 patients enrolled in a prospective, epidemiological study of the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease in Italy. METHODS: Each patient was interviewed using a recall questionnaire to provide information on the daily intake of nutrients. The differences in diet between patients and healthy subjects matched for age, sex and city of residence were determined. RESULTS: Our data confirm that patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis have a high intake of total carbohydrate, starch and refined sugar. This resulted in a significantly higher relative risk (P < 0.001) in both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease patients. Total protein intake was significantly higher in ulcerative colitis, but not in Crohn's disease patients, than in controls. Fibre consumption did not differ between patients and controls. CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm that carbohydrate consumption is significantly higher in IBD patients than in healthy controls. Ulcerative colitis patients also consumed more total protein than controls. The pathogenetic significance of these findings, however, remains unclear. ... PMID: 7866810, MUID: 95171184 - Russ Johnson (Dallas, TX -- USA)
Fri, 4 Jul 1997 1:02:45 GMT Two recently published papers provide solid evidence that Mycobacterium paratuberculosis is involved in at least a proportion of Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease is so similar to mycobacterial diseases that it is often confused with one of them, intestinal tuberculosis. Alan Kennedy maintains a very interesting web site on the subject: "Does Mycobacterium paratuberculosis cause Crohns disease?" -- a very thorough collection of material which suggest that Mycobacteria (paratubercolosis and avium) could be a possible cause of IBD. URL: (In 1991, the Department of Medical Microbiology, Bartholomew's Hospital, London, came to the opposite conclusion, which you can read more about here.)
Wed, 4 June 1997 23:56:12 GMT Here is a new study that provides evidence that children with Crohn's disease have alterations in circulating antioxidant defenses, possibly related to an ongoing oxidant stress.
Sun, 11 May 1997 13:35:33 GMT Hi SCD Group, Some news from the Danish Colitis-Crohn Associations magazine: The Danish Crohns-Colitis Association recently donated app. 11,000 US dollars for a research project which is to either confirm or kill the theory that there could be a relationship between the mycobacterium "Paratuberculosis" and Crohns. This mycobacteria can possibly affect the human immune-defense system, triggering the infection in the intestines. Since it is a bacteria that grows very slowly, it doesn't "show up" when our doctors and scientists look for it with the standard test methods. Two Danish doctors are going to join a professor from University of Wisconsin in Madison, USA, in researching, using a new DNA technology. Also, Danish scientists are presently looking into the effect of yoghurt "lactobacilles" which - if used in large quantity - can heal a wound in a week. Yours, Mik
Independent research supports SCD
[Re: independent research supports SCD] Sat, 3 May 1997 7:11:55 GMT Yes, except the SCD explicitly excludes FOS - Fructo Oligiosacharides. - Harold
A certain protein Sun, 27 Apr 1997 17:07:43 GMT To all: I have the opportunity to be involved in a study being done here in Edmonton, Alberta Canada at the university Hospital. I talked to the research nurse and in very short terms what it involves is this: The research team has found that people with Crohn's/colitis are lacking a certain protein and when this protein is injected back into the body ( much like diabetics do with insulin), the bowel actually heals. I realize this is an extremely simplified explanation but my appointment regarding this is tomorrow morning, so as soon as I have more info I will pass it along. Regardless of the outcome, I am going to stick with the diet as I truly believe it has the potential to heal just like this protein possibly does. Martine ALLAN
Tue, 7 Jan 1997 19:35:34 GMT Thought you might be interested in this posting to the newgroup: >All of y'all should know about the IBD Home Page run by Dr. R. Holland >Please check it out at : > >Many useful links and Ron has also astutely summarized much of the new >information and conference proceedings. There's info on encouraging results from use of heparin, an anticoagulant, for UC and Crohns. Bill
Tue, 17 Dec 1996 00:34:40
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