SCD mailing list-server breakdown
4 Jun 1997 23:28:42 GMT Hi Frequent List Posters, As we all know the SCD list is down. I do not know anybody that has been able to reach Michael Cabarles. Yesterday I tried calling Peter Clark of Filmgraphics in Sydney. His name and number is available when you do a whois on the filmgraphics forwarded domain name. I got a "could not be connected" message. I have received no reply from the e-mail I sent to the postmaster at MAGNA.COM.AU on 5/31. I am able to get another SCD list set up at St. Johns University. It would be on Listserv software, and would include many new features like searchable archives of past posts (via web and e-mail) and files for downloading. I will request a list from St. Johns as soon as someone steps forward to be primary listowner. I am willing to handle all of the technical aspects, but I will not handle the day-to-day things like error messages, reviewing people's first posts (we can turn off review for all the existing subscribers), and promotion. Also it may make sense for the group's torchbearer to have an IBD, and not celiac like I have. A subscriber list would have to be built from someone's mailbox of past posts. Putting a mailbox in "Who" sort would find them all. Note Listserv prefers to have the first and last name, in addition to the address. (I already have a small list from the people that asked for the Lutz article.) Multiple primary owners are also possible. However, on all my other lists there is but one primary owner, so I don't know what confusion there will be. Then there are "quiet" owners, like I am, that have powers, but don't get the notifications from the listserv. Now if someone can reach Michael, he'd make a great primary owner of a new list, and would have the subscriber list, which has been estimated at 120-150 people. Don. P.S. My messages to John Chalmers have not been answered. Thu, 5 Jun 1997 22:45:56 GMT At 06:56 AM 6/5/97 PDT, Tina wrote: >Before we had the list server, we used to keep track of all the >addresses ourselves. So you go back to the Deborah Dowd days. > I have the last list of people in the group before >we switched over to the listserver. Unfortunately, I don't know how >many of these people are still in the group, but I'm sure that some of >them are. The listserv software wants first and last name. So your list is of limited usefulness. What I'd do with it is send an announcement telling people how to subscribe. But someone should have a mailbox with names of current subscribers. But most important right now is a listowner. >Also, if you give me some more details about what exactly is involved in >becoming the primary list owner, I might be able to do it. Okay. Since I have a policy of not be a primary owner of any of my lists, I have no first hand experience. You would get lots of messages from the listserv. There is a daily report of what mail is bouncing. What happens to errors is very configurable, and currently they are set up so some bouncing subscribers are automatically deleted, and some the owner has to remove. I think. (My primary listowners really should ask among themselves, and two of them are friends.) Then there are notices sent. These can be turned off. They will tell of who is subscribing and unsubscribing from the list. Maybe more notices are sent. Then it is highly recommended that every subscriber's first post to the list be reviewed. We could start off and set the names we know to NOREVIEW. But we had better be careful, if we subscribe someone who has since signed off, you may get a nasty letter posted. So better to be on review and then the listowner intercepts it. The way this works is the owner gets the post. It will have a number in the subject. If you want to approve it (and it can be rejected for things like excessive quoting the prior posts, a blank subject line, a subject line starting with Re: SCD Digest..., etc.) you reply with only an OK in the message body. Or you can send in an e-mail with multiple lines of OK xxxxx (with xxxxx the numbers from the subject line). Then once they have successfully posted you send in a command to set the person to NOREVIEW (can be in the same message). Other than ad hoc promotion by subscribers I haven't seen the list promoted. At a minimum an announcement needs to be sent to the New List project. This is a mailing list with 9,000 subscribers that is just announcements of new lists. Heavily read by people in the academic community. Then as owner the buck would stop with you. Anything policy-wise is set by the listowner. If someone acts up on the list the listowner has to act. People can be put back on review. They can be set to NOPOST. Filters can be set to keep people from subscribing. Lists are not run as democracies. A listowner has to act as benevolent dictator. >I assume you were trying to reach John Chalmers because he has offered >to set up a list for us before. Correct. Though I was only on the SCD list for a week, I was tipped off to his past efforts. Though no one has said why it didn't happen. > Still no luck reaching him? Right. Can someone call him? Is he on vacation? Don. Thu, 5 Jun 1997 23:07:04 GMT At 06:56 AM 6/5/97 PDT, you wrote: >Also, if you give me some more details about what exactly is involved in >becoming the primary list owner, What I wrote in my last e-mail I sent to the two owners that are friends. They each have one list, and each has a second list pending (new lists at St. Johns are currently on hold -- do not know for how much longer). Here is one of the replies: Date: Thu, 5 Jun 1997 18:52:43 -0400 To: Don Wiss <donwiss @ panix . com > From: Dean Esmay < > Subject: Re: Primary Listowner Responsibilities Cc: Grant Magnuson < > I'd say the only thing you missed (which I guess you wouldn't know) is that 80% of the work is in getting it started and learning the ropes. Once you're up and comfortable it is quite easy indeed, it becomes second nature and really requires no more than a few minutes a day (unless of course you join in the discussions heavily, in which case of course that takes up as little or as much time as you invest in writing your messages. ;-). -=-=- Once in a while you get shown the light / In the strangest of places if you look at it right ---Robert Hunter Don. I am sorry that I haven't gotten back to you sooner. My situation is that I have been sick (not Crohn's) and am recovering. Additionally I am responsible for my company getting registered to QS 9000 and our registration audit is next week. I am just paralyzed for time until the end of next week. I have a list of names that could go on the list. I had a message from Michael indicatig the names are lost but I suspect we can piece it back together. I am willing to host the group and hoped my provider could be the service. I cannot pursue this any more for at least a week. This service you mention, is there a charge for it? John ************************************* Subject: Michael Cabarles/SCD List ?? Date: Sat, 31 May 1997 12:50:28 GMT Hi, As you probably know the SCD mailing list on filmgraphics is down. But also we have not been able to reach Michael Cabarles. We are wondering if all is okay with him?,Internet If your site can't handle the SCD list anymore, I can easily get it moved to the Listserv at St. Johns, where I have several lists. We don't want to pull the list away from Michael, and he is most welcome as the primary owner of a list at St. Johns. I handle the technical aspects of my lists. To get started I need the subscriber list. Is this available? Don.
Re: Have you noticed that the SCD / server has been down ? Sat, 31 May 1997 11:22:42 GMT
You bet we've noticed! Don Wiss,donwiss @ panix . com,Internet writes: Yes, it is really weird. Wonder what has happened ! (I hope he is not hospitalized, or something like that). >Do you want to round up what names we can and start up a list? I
will not What exactly do you mean by "someone else". Do you mean that you already know someone else who would like to do it - or that we have to find one? >Also I see no reason why the list can't be more aggressively True. >I can start by making a list of of the people that asked for the
Lutz Well, I have a lot of names in my post box. And we have a list from the time before the list server was started: BEFORE MAILING LIST: Amanda <> Anne <> Athena <> Barb <> Ben <> Benito <> Bill <> Bill K <> Carol <> Charles <> Christine <> Daisy <> Debora <> Emilio <> Ish <> Jillian <> Jim <> Joanna <> John D <> John C <> Jonas <> Karl <> Kevin <> Leslie <> Lisa <> Lori <> Mark & Wendy <> Michael <> Rachel <> Roger <> Ryan <> Stan <> Stephanie <> Steve <> Susan <> Susan C <> Tim <> Tom Cattrall <> Vinnie <> Yolanda <> RECENT CONTRIBUTORS LIST: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> Anna CB <benkea@MAILHOST.PAC.DFO.CA> Amanda McKee <> APRIL PREY <76422.1624@CompuServe.COM> ARLENE C. BRILL <> Bill Laing < Cathrine Silva <> Barb <> Barb Mills <> Bart Hansen <> Bonnie <> Craig <> Dean Esmay <> Denise Davis <> Dietmar <"painsolv" > Don Wiss <donwiss @ panix . com> E.J. Ford CFS <> Elettronica Zibo <> Estesrl <> Guy Fortier <> Happich Gina <> Jennifer Jenkins <> Jim Lenihan <lenihan@FSL.ORST.EDU> John E. Gonsalves <> Kellie Jo Bonnau <> Macneil <> Matthew P Cirillo <> Michael Cabarles <> Mik Aidt <> Mike Browne <> Miroslav <> Neil G. Bishop <> Richard Dodge <> Robert Thomas <> Roberta Gelatt <> Roy deCarvalho <> Russ Johnson <> Sheila Shea <> Steven A. Melnick <> Tina T G <> Torben <> Witkowski <> >Before asking for the list I need two things: (1) primary owner(s)
firmed Description of the list is found on the web site, under "What is..."
( >Being new to the list I do not know who the main players are. You
stand out When I entered, last year in August, Deborah Dowd was the main player, assisted by people like John Chalmer. Deborah has vanished since then (without saying "goodbye"). Now Michael Cabarles is the "Primary owner", and I still think we SHOULD give him another week to see if he comes back on the line. A random pick among the mails in my mail box, (of which I recognize the first five of them as frequent writers to the list) are: Thank you so much for your concern, Don. Yours, Mik
These are the people that asked for the Lutz article. The Listserv software really prefers to have both first and last names. Don.
Bonnie <>
At 12:58 PM 5/31/97 +0200, Don Wiss wrote: >What exactly do you mean by "someone else". Do you mean
that you already know You all will have to find one, or more. The way I can manage the technical aspects of many lists is by never being primary owner. >I am not quite sure what you mean by "firmed up"? In place. I need them as they are part of the request for a list. >>Being new to the list I do not know who the main players are.
You stand out >When I entered, last year in August, Deborah Down was the main player,
assisted I gather it started with her just resending e-mails around. > Now Michael Cabarles is the "Primary owner", and I still
think we Okay. St. Johns is testing some new high performance Listserv software (they have more than 400 lists), so new lists appear to be on hold. Since I have two others pending (and a third in formation), I'll know when they are setting them up again.
Don Wiss,donwiss @ panix . com,Internet writes: The last figure I heard was 120 subscribers. Since then, at least 20-30 more must have joined. All in all, I think we are about 150 people around the globe missing this list right now - and many of them wondering: "what is going on? Am I being cut off?" Yours,
I say give them until Tuesday. I realized I had no idea what time of day I should place a call so that it rings during a business day down under. :) So I thought of writing to the postmaster. I am working on cloning some of the files we'll need. After it's up I'll show you where we can make further enhancements in the generated web pages. Don. |