M.D.'s and medical practitioners |
- Dr.
Brian Cabin, M.D., in Tucson, AZ.
According to Sheila
Shea, "he tells people about SCD and BTVC.
He knows the benefits from personal experience with
it. And a colleague and sport buddy of his, an eye doctor,
got on it and benefitted and knows what to do. Dr. Cabin
deals more with intestinal issues in his practice and
Paul, the eye doc, does not."
- Dr
Graeme Shaw, Los Altos, CA (650) 947-6700. Per Mary
Holford in San Jose, CA.
- Dr.
Donald Abrahm, 1525 Superior Ave. Suite 104 Newport
Beach, CA 92663 Phone (949) 631-2670
According to Steve Case, "He asked how I was doing
and I told him "the best in years". He asked what I
attributed the improvement to and I told him the SCD.
He asked if I would like to come to the local CCF chapter
meeting and share my thoughts on the diet..."
- Dr.
Janice M. Alden, The Working Body, Oakland, CA 94610
(510) 286-8100
Per Keri Klein, "My chiropractor said today that
it's fine to add her information to our list of scd-friendly
doctors. She "discovered" BTVC for me (I was her first
patient to try SCD) and now has one other patient following
SCD with positive results. She is a wonderful, warm
person who listens and has "healing hands." Her office
also provides Pilates, personal training and massage."
- Carolyn
M. Cohen, M.T.O.M., L.Ac., 6404 Wilshire Blvd. Suite
701, Los Angeles, CA 90048 (323) 852-9704
According to Tova, "..(doctor of oriental medicine,
she put me on the diet and others as well. She has read
the book. She is a teacher at a college of oriental
medicine and teaches the book in her classes. She is
willing as long as it is clear that that she practices
acupuncture and oriental medicine.)"
- Jakob
Jaggy, MD, 575 Stanislaus Ave, Angels Camp, CA (209)
Per Rebecca, "I am so proud of my doctor. Two weeks
ago, I gave him a copy of BTVC. I hear he has recommended
it to some patients (he went to medical school in Switzerland
so I believe he is better trained in healthful living
than some)."
- Janene
Mitchell, L.Ac., C.S.T., 9730 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 211,
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 (310) 614-820.
According to Tova, "She does acupuncture, massage
and a Taoist abdominal massage which is heavenly. In
addition, I have been doing the massage each night before
sleep. It works on all organs in the abdomen and helps
me sleep better. She will be reading the book and is
very interested in helping people on the diet."
- Dr.
Hillel Naon, Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles, 4650
Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90027 (323) 669-2181.
According to Lori, "My daughter has UC and has
been seeing [this] pediatric GI doctor who has seen
the diet's success and recommends it to his patients.
He, of course, uses the traditional drugs as well."
- Dr.
Eric Vasiliauskas, Center for Digestive Disease,
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA (310) 423-4100.
According to Melanie, he "actually admitted that
the SCDiet is a definite "treatment that works"
for Crohn's. He did specify the importance of STRICTLY
- Lucy
Nerus LAc,
Licensed Acupuncturist at Inner Health Center, 17203
Ventura Blvd #5, Encino, CA 91316, (818) 789-2700 tel
(818) 789-2701 Lucy is on the SCD and specializes in
Classical 5-Element acupuncture.
- Stephen
Feig, DO, 208 Vista Bella, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, tel:
831-471-2371, According to Jill, "He is SCDiet
- Dr.
Rick Petersen and Dr. Carrie Mousseau. HealthNow Medical
Center, 1309 Mary Avenue, Suite 100, Sunnyvale, CA 94087.
tel: .408-733-0400
According to June, "They are both great. I'm sure
they would love to be on the list. They are not knowledgeable
about SCD but believe that gluten and grains are a big
problem for many people. They have been very patient
and understanding with me."
- M.
Teresa Swida, D.O. Comprehensive Community Health Centers
5059 York Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90042 tel: 323-344-4144
According to Susan, "She told me about leaky gut,
other tests we should do, some of which would not be
covered by insurance. She also talked about probiotics,
IgG testing, and chelation. She said she would treat
my son the exact same way (I don't know if she takes
kids yet). And that was only my first appointment!"
- **Dr.
Andre Lallande, D. O., and Dr. A. Robert Franco, M.D.
11725 Slate Ave. Suite 100 Riverside, CA 92505 tel:
951-788-0850 www.thearthritiscenter.com
According to Susan, "Dr. Franco, who is the head
of the Arthritis Center. Dr. Lallande, who took lots
of blood and asked lots of questions. Told me I don't
need meds!
- **Dr.Todd
Shiohama, Acupuncturist, 5451 E. South ST., Lakewood,
CA tel: 562-920-7777 According to Mimi, "I have
been getting acupuncture and herbs for a doctor in Lakewood.
Ever since I started taking the herbs I have great like
new. The blood is almost gone, normal poo's, no emergencies.
virtually no more signs. Its been a miracle has healed
Its not 100% and I am still on the diet. I did eat chocolate,
traveled and ate fruit which I could do before and I've
been fine."
- **Dr.
Sharon Taylor at Childrens Hospital, San Diego, CA tel:
858-966-4003. According to Delalle, "She is part
of a group, but is the only one within that group that
is open to the SCD."
- **Mary
L. Johnson, Pediatric Ambulatory Care Center 730 Welch
Road Palo Alto, CA 94304 tel: 650-723-5070. According
to Lorene, "Kaylie Nguyen and Kathleen Cox, nurse
practitioners in the clinic are very supportive of the
- **Dr.
Suma Sudheendran, MD, Gastroenterology and Nutrition,
Clinical Fellow According to Laurie/Les, "She is
at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. She is the only
one here that
I have talked to that was knowlegable about the diet.
Everone else sort of knew of it and said well it might
help the sysptoms."
- **William
Harold, MD, Internal Medicine, 2021 Santa Monica Blvd.
#337,Santa Monica, CA 90404, tel: 310 315-7922 According
to Lou, "MOST IMPORTANT: He will tell you what
foods/herbs to eat to help with inflammation and for
healing. He will test your blood (FIA Test Description)
forantioxidants/nutrients/minerals/amino acids/B Vitamins/other
things to see what is missing in your body-very helpful!
especially if you have lost blood and on limited liquid/
foods. He will talk to you about the results and then
you can add the supplements to your diet/ or dietary
changes. He knows about SCD diet, but is not as well
informed as one would hope. He does have vitamins that
are not SCD approved. Has helped me allot, but does
think it's OK to use non SCD things which I will not
- **Dorothy
Calabrebe, M.D., 24953 Pased De Valencia 4A, Laguna
Hills, 92653, CA tel: 949-454-0509, www.allergy-immunology.com
According to M Bower, "Allergist / Immunologist
She has been so helpful to me and my friend. She does
not charge you for a consultation unless you end up
as her patient. Low cost clinicin Glendale: also office
in San Diego Pasadena Office"
- David Resneck-Sannes, 5403 Scotts Valley Drive, Scotts Valley, CA 95066 tel: 831-438-5222. According to Steph, "I like him because he tolerates me! I asked him about SCD, and he replied that he knows a woman who overcame full-blown MS on such a grain-free diet... Asked me to do the BTVC by Elaine Gottschall."
- Dr.
R. Gerdes. 2 Steele St. Suite 200, Denver, Co 80206
According to Elaine, "All I can tell you is that
he has been ordering books from me for a very long time."
- Dr.
Juetersonke D.O. in Colorado Springs, CO. "Recommends
the SCDiet" - Maryann Hill.
- Dr. Deborah Neigut, Denver Children's Hospital, Aurora, CO. "She was quite amazing and while she did have him [my son] on the Elemental Diet (where he gained 20 pounds and is now relatively healthy), before we moved she told me to start looking into SCD." - Jennifer M.
- Dr.
Rick Liva, Middletown, CT, tel: (860) 347-8600.
According to Jeff Goldschlager, "He is a naturopathic
- K.
Pramila Vishvanath, N.D., Fairfield, Connecticut, tel:
(203) 259-2700.
According to Martha, "She told us about Elaine's
books "Food and the Gut Reaction", and "Breaking
the Vicious Cycle", and the web site. She also
prescribed certain supplements. She is so wonderful
and supportive! For the past 11 years, she always had
pointed us in the right direction."
- Patrick
Purdue, D.O.M. Seminole, FL 33776, tel: (727) 319-8819
Rachel Turet posted this introduction on behalf of Purdue:
"I am a Doctor of Oriental Medicine practicing
in the State of Florida. I was frustrated with the the
slow response I was getting with patients suffering
from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis,
and so on. A lot of what we had to offer was superior
to the drug approach, in that we were able to make some
positive improvements rather than only the "managing
symptoms" approach offered by conventional medicine
with drugs like prednisone. However, symptoms such as
abdominal bloating and discomfort still plagued many
of my patients. I had the opportunity to hear an interview
with Elaine Gottschall a few years ago, read "Breaking
The Vicious Cycle," and began using this diet as the
cornerstone to the majority of my gut disease patients.
It transformed my practice. Between using various Traditional
Chinese Medicine (TCM) formulas, targeted nutritional
supplements where appropriate, acupuncture as needed,
and various other protocols, many patients have been
saved from a lifetime of misery. I cannot express how
grateful I am to Elaine Gottschall and the valuable
research she has contributed. Unfortunately, much of
conventional medicine is still stuck in the outdated
notion that diet has little to do with disease. I'm
glad that people like Elaine Gottschall has enabled
practitioners like me to offer hope to those dissatisfied
with "the system." I would be happy to answer any questions
to anyone curious about what I do in my clinic."
A detailed explanation of the clinic's
success was posted to the listserve on May 16, 2000.
- Dr.
Jeffrey Bradstreet, 1688 W. Hibiscus Boulevard, Melbourne,
32901, www.icdrc.org, tel:321-953-0278. According to
James, this doctor specializes in autism.
- Dr.
Julie Buckley is a DAN pediatrician based in Jacksonville,
- Dr.Wang,
Acupuncturist, Jacksonville, FL, tel: 904-396-0898.
- Dr.
Bennett Plotnick, Rush North Shore Medical Center, Kenton
Building, Skokie, IL 60076, tel: 847-674-2087
According to Holly, "He is 100% MD but 100% dedicated
to seeing you get well. He is very well known in the
area (north suburbs). He only prescribes medicine, but
he is open to you doing anything and supporting you
throught it. He knows that I opted for SCD, acupuncture,
and chinese herbs over Remicade and 6MP, and he knows
someone who got well on "the other book."
Best of all is his bedside manner - once I called to
ask him about a symptom and then went on a business
trip without getting to talk to him - he called me back
regularly for two weeks to try to get a hold of me -
he even called on a Sunday!!! And he's the Director
of Gastroenterology at the Hospital - a very busy man!
It will take over a month to get an appt, but it's worth
it, I think. Then again, I never had any other gastro.
And the Rush North Shore Gastro team has a high ranking:
U.S. News and World Report ranked Rush North Shore Medical
Center among the top 50 hospitals in the country for
the treatment of digestive disorders in its 2002 "America's
Best Hospitals" edition."
- Dr. Mary Lour Hulseman Ph 317-621-1700 Fax 317-621-1711
9560 Easst 59th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46216 Accepting new patients by referral only.
- According
to the SCD
New England Yahoo Group "MGH for Kids in Waltham
and Boston: Dr. Fusunyan, Dr. Katz and Dr. Buie are
all pro-SCD. Dr. Biller is ANTI-SCD and Dr. Israel is
wishy-washy ("if you want to do it, I won't stop
you"). No docs at Children's were recommended (not
that there aren't any who are pro-SCD there, just maybe
no one on this list sees them). There is also a nutritionist
at MGH who works w. families implementing the SC diet.
She is in Waltham." (Note: recent email in 2012 indicate some of these doctors at MGH may have slightly different opinions of the SCD than when this post was first noted on the SCD support group. Call the doctors to learn more.)
- According to JoAnn in MA, "we go to Dr. Ken Bock in Rhinebeck NY. Others go to Jeanne Hubbuch, MD
288 Walnut Street, Ste. 420 Phone: 617-965-7770, and Carol Englender, MD 160 Speen Street, Ste. 203 Phone: 508-875-0875."
- Dr.
Mark Gloger, 9711 Medical Center Drive, Suite 308, Rockville,
MD (301)251-1244.
According to one listserve member, this doctor has given
a copy of BTVC to his mother-in-law. [Editor's sarcastic
note: is that really an endorsement?! :-) ]
- Dr.
Elizabeth Sirran Gannt, Gathersburg Olney, MD (301)
According to Lucy, Dr. Sirran Gannt "did tell the
patient about the diet and suggested she try it. Pretty
good news considering that she is a card carrying gastroenterologist."
- Dr.
Eugenius Ang, 3985 Stone School Rd., Ann Arbor, MI tel:
(734) 971-4460
According to James & Cathy Yokota, "My gastroenterologist/internal
medicine doctor is in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He is very
good and supports my decision to follow the SCD. He
also orders tests for me sometimes from the Great Smokies
Lab. He's very nice and is definitely "SCD friendly."
- Mark
Devore, MD, 22250 Providence Drive Suite 604, Southfield,
MI 48075-6214, (248) 569-1770
According to KJ, "..I went to see my GI today and
told him about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. He said
he was familiar with it because some of his colitis
and Crohn's patients are using it and getting good results."
- Dr. Debra Kontny Ph. 406-513-1962, 3130 Saddle Drive, Helena MT 59601.
- Dr.
Douglas Rose, Dartmought-Hitchcock Community Health
Center, Buck Road, Hanover NH tel: (603) 643-4000
According to Nancy Emerson, "I have found a general
family practice doctor in Hanover NH who is very openminded.
He doesn't know about SCD, and I don't think he's gone
out and gotten BTVC to read since meeting me, but he
is very accepting and supportive."
- Dr.
Schuman, Affiliates in Gastroenterology, 101 Short Hills
Rd. West Orange, NJ 07052, tel: 973-731-4600.
According to Janet, "I saw him this week and he
was glad to have his name added. He is a doctor who
believes less drugs is good and supports the diet."
- Dr.
Thomas J. Bolte, MD 141 East 55th Street, Suite 8-H
New York, NY 10022 Tel No. (212) 588-9314 Web site:
According to Latimer, "He is the one who recommended
I read BTVC." Dr. Bolte writes, "I work with
Dr. Leo Galland (for the past 6 years), and Ms. Gotschall's
book is the book which we recommend
the most to our patients."
- Dr.
Stuart Dictchik 2044 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn N.Y. 11230
(718) 382-0012.
According to Elaine, "He is a practicing pediatrician,
a diplomat of the American Board of Pediatrics, a fellow
of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and a clinical
assistant professor of pediatrics at New York University
School of Medicine. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife
and five children AND HE IS A HUMAN BEING! His book,
Child, Whole Child may be purchased on Amazon.com."
Editor's note: pages 310-311 discuss this doctor's successful
use of the SCD with his "highly motivated children
and families".
- Dr.
Leo Galland, New York, NY. (212) 772-3077
According to Dee, "He is a friend of this list
serve and a doctor of integrative medicine. On the very
first appointment he gave us the BTVC book."
- Ronald
Greenberg, MD Department of Medicine / Gastroenterology
/ Clinical Practice Long Island Jewish Medical Center
270-05 76th Ave New Hyde Park, NY 11040 tel: (718) 470-7280
According to Deanna (aka Midas Gold), "
- He specializes in IBD and is active in the local CCFA
chapter (FWIW)
- He has a very calm, pleasant, easy-going personality
- He seems to respect my intelligence and welcome my
desire to play an active role in learning about and
making decisions about my own care
- He's on the faculty of a large, well-respected teaching
hospital and sees patients in a modest office right
on the hospital premises
- He listens
- He doesn't push medication unless it's absolutely
- He believes medication is a last resort which only
treats the symptoms and not the underlying cause of
the disease, and encourages patients who wish to find
other methods of improving their health (such as in
my case, the SCD
- Unlike many other doctors, he doesn't belittle the
SCD and treat me condescendingly for following it; instead
he encourages me to keep it up when he sees how much
it helps me)
- He's not an an ego trip
- He's gentle
- He's a gentleman
- He was highly recommended by another patient who followed
the SCD
- Thanks to the SCD, I don't see him very often!!!"
- Dr.
Ronald Hoffman New York, NY web: www.drhoffman.com
Elaine Gottschall has appeared on Dr. Hoffman's radio
show several times. According to Hoffman's site, "Dr.
Hoffman is the founder of the Hoffman Center located
at 40 East 30th Street in New York City. The Hoffman
Center focuses on internal medicine with the appropriate
amalgamation of high-tech conventional medicine along
with effective natural therapies. Dr. Hoffman is a nutritionist
and a graduate of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine
with training in internal medicine. Based on his many
years of working with patients from all over the world
he has formulated a line of supplements. He can be heard
on WOR {710 on AM} radio in the tri-state area every
weekday evening and Saturdays, and on affiliated stations
of the WOR
Radio Network. Here are links to Hoffman's books:
-- 7
Weeks to a Settled Stomach
-- Intelligent
Medicine: A Guide to Optimizing Health and Preventing
Illness for the Baby-Boomer Generation
- Steven
Itzkowitz, Guggenheim Hall 11th Floor, 5 East 98th Street,
New York, 10029-6574 tel: 212-241-4299 According to
Doug, "What I like about Dr. Itzkowitz is that
he's very thorough and he takes time with you to explain
and discuss things. He is not a proponent of SCD, but
is willing to admit that he has patients who swear by
it. He did not discourage me from trying it, just said
that it's hard to maintain over the long term. When,
after four months on the SCD, almost all my ulceration
had disappeared, I jokingly said to him that I imagined
he thought the diet had nothing to do with it, and he
jokingly said that it "could have been the medication
too".. knowing that I'd been on the medication
for three years to no good effect. The point being that
he's not negative about alternative treatments. I like
him because he's responsive and communicative.."
- Dr.
Kaslow, Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, NY.
- Dr.
Michael Kozower, WNY Gastroenterology, 1301 N. Forest
Rd., Williamsville, NY 14221 (716) 633-1571.
According to Cheryl, "My husband feels it si more
approriate to call this doctor "SCD-receptive"
- Dr.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD,
PhD, New York City 646-935-2220. Dr. Mehl-Madrona subscribes
to the SCD listserve and is the
Clinical Program Director at Beth Israel Medical Center
Continuum Center for Health and Healing. Read his introductory
letter to the listserve!
- Dr.
Marjorie Ordene at 2515 Ave. M, Brooklyn, N.Y. (718)
258-7882. According to Liz, she is "holistic and
gave me BTVC to read".
- Robert
R. Pavelock, MD Oneida, NY 13421 (315) 363-9183
According to Steve Diehl, "I visited my GI today,
thanked him twice for telling me about BTVC/SCD/Elaine,
told him how remarkable my improvement has been, gave
him my email for other local patients wanting SCD support,
he wrote down the web site, he has been suggesting other
patients try the diet. His assistant told me he confiscated
her copy of BTVC for his own use."
- Dr.
Daniel Present Gastroenterologist, 12 East 86th Street,
New York, N. Y. 10028, Suite 1 According to Elaine Gottschall,
"Is widely considered to be one of the best UC
doctors in NYC. He is affiliated with Mt. Sinai and
has a private practice on the Upper East Side. Does
not take insurance and you must pay before you leave
the office." He is not a proponent of the SCD, though.
- Avraham
Rosenthal, Brooklyn, NY tel: 718-633-4521. According
to Batsheva, "Said he has cured people with Crohn's
and U.Colitis. He
himself has cured himself of Diabetes but basically
his diet is vegan."
- Dr. Joseph W. Roberts MD., 3700 Richmond Ave, Sewell Ave., Staten Island, NY Ph. 718-948-811. According
to Leigh, "He is very accommodating – he will use the therapies his patients are comfortable with and of course he makes suggestions too – but he loves pro-active patients and supports me in my efforts to be well. He doesn't push but he does care a great deal and he wants to help. He welcomes new patients. He is a very pleasant man and his staff is very kind and good at what they do. He does a lot of testing in office and he has a suite for the scopes at a different location – but not in hospital ( I hate scopes in hospital – they make such a big deal out of everything.)"
- Dr.
Daniels in Albany, NY.
According to Katie, "I gave Dr. Daniels the book
a while back and he has since told several of his patients
about it who have started it recently and are getting
- Mitchell
Kurk M. D. Holistic 310 Broadway, Lawrence, NY 11559
tel: 866-383-8410 www.mitchellkurkmd.com
According to Luann, "I absolutely love him, I really
do. He is a wonderful and very caring man. I would personally
recommend him to anyone!"
- Sidney
M.Baker, MD 71 Ferry Rd. Sag Harbor, NY 11963 tel: 631-725-9548
According to Carol, "Dr. Baker is a lot more expensive
and charges $3000.00 the first visit and then $500.00
per visit. But he is also a wonderful human being of
a doctor."
- Kenneth
Bock, Rhinebeck Health Center,108 Montgomery St., Rhinebeck,
NY 12572 tel: 845-876-7082 www.rhinebeckhealth.com
- **Saul
G. Agus, MD, 1080 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1C, New York,
NY 10128, 212-860-0841
**James George, MD, 1751 York Avenue, New York, NY 10128,
** Philip G. Kazlow, MD (Pediatric Gastroenterologist),
3959 Broadway (@ W. 165th Street), Suite 718N, New York,
NY 10032, 212-305-5903
** Peter Legnani, MD, 1751 York Avenue, New York, NY
10128, 212-369-2490
**Simon Lichtiger, MD, 1755 York Avenue (@ 91st Street),
New York, NY 10128 , 212-831-4900
**Jerrold F. Schwartz, MD, 11 North Airmont Road, Suffern,
NY 10901, 845-357-1120
**Sam Weissman, MD, 202 Foster Avenue, Suite C, Brooklyn,
NY 11230,718-854-5100
- Bonnie
L. Walker, DC, Dipl Ac., in Boone, NC (828) 265-0001
According to Heather, "Bonnie is a traditional
chinese medicine doctor and chiropractor who recommends
BTVC/SCD to patients with Crohns. She is also an excellent
- John
Green, M.D., Oregon City OR. Suggested by Lucy.
- Dr Allison Siebecker and Melanie Keller ND are in Portland are solely focused on small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) - the new name for what Elaine discussed in BTVC. They have two educational websites devoted to SIBO with heavy emphasis on SCD. Learn more at www.siboinfo.com and www.naturalfunctionalmedicine.com at the National College of Natural Medicine Clinic 3025 SW Corbett Ave Portland, OR 97201 tel: 503-552-1551.
- Dr. Gary Weiner, Naturopathic Physician and Licensed Acupuncturist, in Portland. http://pearlnaturalhealth.com "Treats IBD with the SCDiet. He recently spoke at a CCFA event and I know several patients of his who are seeing good results.He also offers "Tele-medicine" for long distance consulting."
- Dr.
Scott Weber, D.O., Yankton Medical Clinic,1104 West
8th Street, Yankton, SD 57078, (605) 665-8910.
According to Rachel, "This is the SCDiet that Dakota
is on.. VERY good doctor and VERY family friendly. Still
cautious, but has seen the success in Dakota."
- Dr.
Merigian, The Stone Institute, 8200 Old Dexter Rd, Suite
103, Cordova, TN 38018-0531 tel: 901-757-4646 www.thestoneinstitute.com
Dr. Frederick Starr, 1503 17th Avenue S., Music Row,
Nashville, TN tel: 615-292-1664 According to Dawn, "He
is the one who strongly suggested that we try the SCD
among other interventions. I would highly recommend
Daniel B. Kalb MD, MPH, FAAFP, 4091 Mallory Lane #118,
Franklin, TN 37067 (615) 791-9784 www.csfned.net
According to Charisse, "I highly recommend Dr. Kalb.
He has a daughter with autism and is very compassionate
and dedicated to his patients. He told me about the
SCD diet and showed me a copy of Elaine's book "Breaking
the Vicious Cycle".
Dr. Haase 556 Fire Station Road, Clarksville, TN 37043
tel: 931-648-9595 According to Dawn, "Seems to be supportive
as well, but I haven't seen him recently. He is a holistic
Dr. Reisman Mind and Body Wellness Center 1201 Villa
Place, Suite 202 Nashville, TN 37212 tel: 615-320-1175
According to Kristina, " Came highly recommended and
according to his nurse, he supports the SCD although
not exclusively. Just in case anybody is interested."
- Dr.
Sellin, M.D, Houson, TX
According to Kim, he is with the UT Medical School.
- Dr.
Kenneth Fine, 10875 Plano Rd. Suite 123 Dallas, TX 75238
tel: 972-686-6869 According to Carol, "I saw him
speak here in Little Rock last spring and was very impressed.
He speaks well of SCD and does lots of testing. You
can google him to get info."
- Dr.
Rea Environmental Health Center-Dallas 8345 Walnut Hill
Lane, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75231 tel: 214.368.4132
www.ehcd.com According to
Michele, "When you come to our clinic please remember
- no perfume, cologne, aftershave or any scented products
are permitted on your body, hair, or clothing in our
offices. He is the best at this in the country and people
travel from all over the world to see him for these
treatments. SCD still helps because it eliminates a
lot of foods that people like me become sensitive to
- Dr.
and Mrs. Carole and Gary White, M.D., 77 N. Skyline
Drive, Roosevelt UT 94066, email: cwhite@ubanet.com
According to Elaine Gottschall, "Dr. White and
Carole are subscribers on the SCD listserve and he has
ordered a half case of books. He mentions that he has
tried the SCD on UC patients and many have recovered."
Farley-Jones, M.D. 70 East Red Pine Drive Alpine,
UT 84004
According to Elaine Gottschall, Dr. Farley-Jones is
using BTVC in her practice.
- Dr.Patrick
Donovan, Seattle, WA (206) 525-8015
According to Lori Reiman, "We have been happy with
his openness [Lori's daughther has UC]."
and Rest-Of-World |
- Dr.
Raymond Yeh, Canadian Health and Acupuncture Clinic,
5213 Tiffany Court Mississauga, Ontario L5M 5G9 Phone:
(905) 858-3630
"A doctor of traditional chinese medicine, he learned
about the SCD from one of his patients (Janice), and
read BTVC, watched a video I had of Elaine on Dini Petty.
He had worked at Princess Margaret Hospital on cancer
research for 10 years so is well able to evaluate Elaine's
scientific references. He was impressed. I think very
highly of Dr. Yeh; he is very cautious, and very conservative
in his approach."
- Dr.
Gordon Greenberg Mount Sinai Hospital 600 University
Avenue, Rm. 445 Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X5 Phone: (416)
586-4727 "Excellent GI. He does not recommend the
SCD to his patients but he is not opposed to it either."
- Dr.
Maria Cino, also at Mt. Sinai. According to one listserve
member, "She just finished her residency a couple
of years ago, and she is absolutely excellent. I was
under her care as a resident when I was at Mt. Sinai
a couple of years ago for a 2 week stay, and she was
extremely thorough, compassionate, and respectful of
my concerns."
- Dr
Alvin Pettle, 3910 Bathurst Street, Suite 200, Toronto
ON 416-633-4101. web: www.drpettle.com
According to Natalie Pawlenko, "Here's a doc who
actually has a copy of Elaine's book prominently displayed
on his bookshelf!"
- Dr.
Joey Shulman, Toronto, Ontario, (416) 961-1900 ext.
According to Art, "I was just listening to CFRB
(1010). A Toronto nutritionist doctor, Joey
Shulman, just mentioned that Elaine Gottshall's
book was a " terrific book". She was discussing
IBD/IBS with callers. She sounded like a very friendly
doctor for SCD'ers."
- Dr. Jennifer Armstrong 613 721-9800 3364 Carling Avenue, Nepean, Ontario (near Ottawa, Ontario).
According to Jude, "She really saved my life, as I did not expect to work too much longer when she recommended the SCD diet".
- Dr.
Van Hoogenhuize of Bradford, 76 Holland W., Bradford,
Ontario Phone: (905) 775-2976
"A doctor who I consulted at one time. He is an
MD, but not a GI, and he is definitely a holistic doc.
He specializes in allergy and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
patients, and he uses the SCD extensively in his practice
for IBD and for many other conditions, with good success
according to what he told me. He is fairly eccentric,
but I don't mind eccentric people if they are good at
what they do and honest with me." Contact info:
Dr. William Van Hoogenhuize
Dr. Kathleen Kerr who is at Yonge and St. Clair in Toronto.
"She is familiar with the SCD and she was recommended
to me by someone who knew of her very successful treatment
of a colleague's sister who had crohn's. She uses IV
nutrients, dietary manipulation, etc."
- Dr.
Magdy Elkashab 1664 Dufferin Street (at St. Clair) Toronto
According to Tanya, "I was finally diagnosed with
Crohn's last December, after two years of becoming progressively
more ill. I saw my gastroenterologist last week and
it was one of the most empowering encounters with a
doctor I have ever had. His name is Dr. Magdy Elkashab.
Although he doesn't subscribe to any specific diet,
when I told him about SCD he expressed that I should
listen to what my body is telling me - that as long
as SCD covered all the bases nutritionally, if I was
feeling better being on it then I should stick with
it. He also thought the list was a great idea, particularly
since patients with Crohn's and colitis can have such
varied experiences. Dr. Elkashab is affiliated with
Mt. Sinai."
- Dr.
Bryn Waern, 23 Biggar Ave, Toronto ON M6H 2N5. (Per
Elaine Gottschall.)
- Norah
Duggan, MD., CCFP. Notre Dame Bay Memorial Health Center,
Twillingate, NF, Canada Telephone #: (709) 884-4284.
(Per Sheila Trenholm)
- Dr.
Judith Boyce, MD, and 659 Moberly Road, Vancouver,
BC V5Z 4B2, (604) 874-0261. According to Josette,
"Dr. Boyce is very naturopathic friendly but
not completely familiar with SCD."
- Dr.
Heli McPhie, a naturopath, 2083 Alma Street, Vancouver,
BC V6R 4N6
(604) 222-2433. According to Josette, "Dr. McPhie
is the one who suggested the SCD to me."
- Dr..
Ingo Woitzel, Hohenzollernstraße 81, 75177 Pforzheim.
Phone: 07231 -3135-33 Fax. 07231 - 3572 -68. info@drwoitzel.de
According to Ellen, specializes in general practitioner,
environmental medicine, and datural remedies.
- Rabbi
Rosenbaum, in Israel. According to Roz White, "Rabbi
Rosenbaum has translated the SCD book to Hebrew, and
there are two stores sell DCCC and homemade SCD yoghurt
in Israel. From what I know, he doesn't have an email
address or web site. He sells a Hebrew translation of
the SCD book with the recipes adapted for Kosher cooking.
He has a monthly newsletter in Hebrew and he said he
has something for beginners to ease them into the diet.
Phone #: 02-532-8817 Address: POB 41061 Jerusalem, Israel
The store in Bnai Brak (near Tel Aviv) is called Hoss
(Heh, vav, samech is the Hebrew spelling of the store's
name) and it is on the corner of the streets-Hazon Ish
and Rabbi Akiva. The strore in Jerusalem is called the
Teva Market and it is in Shabbat Square."
- Avraham
Rosenthal, tel: 02-538-7143. According to Batsheva,
"Said he has cured people with Crohn's and U.Colitis.
himself has cured himself of Diabetes but basically
his diet is vegan."
- Dra.
Maria Jesus Clavera, Ps Lluis Companys 12, 5a-1a. 08019
Barcelona, Spain., Tel. 0034 93 485-6666. According
to Patricia, "Dr. Clavera is one of those doctors
you don't believe exist anymore. She takes the time
to listen attentively and explains everything in detail
(it's not unusual to spend 1.5 hours with her in a regular
consultation if you need it). Very conscious on the
importance of the gut in general health she recommends
dietary interventions -SCD included- as well as improvements
in the quality of the products we consume. She places
great importance on organic products and good water
for example. Another thing I've found very helpful is
her knowledge of excipients in medications and supplements.
No risk of hidden fructose or soy or whatever in what
she prescribes. A peditrician by formation she has also
studied natural medicine (orthomolecular) and is in
practice with a microbiologist. In the last years she
has taken a special interest in ASD and has been treating
with very good results almost 50 children, including
my little Lorena, well on her way to recovery. She follows
the DAN protocol using natural products wherever possible.
She also consults with adults as needed and has a thirst
for knowledge that is a pleasure to experience."
Kingdom (UK)
- Dr.
N. Campbell-McBride, MD, Cambridge, England. Telephone
in the UK: 01353 723234.
More International sources and web sites