Here is a registry of people who have visited this SCD web site... Why not add yourself - and a comment? Note: Don't reload the page that shows up when you've submitted your information. Instead, go back to the Guestbook (press the "Back"-button on your browser twice) and then press the "Reload"-button to see your contribution. I have been filled with hope when I thought I had come to the end of the road. My daughter (21 yrs.) has battled with UC for the last 4 yrs. Now, we feel we have some ammunition to swing the battle in our favor. She will be starting the diet soon. I believe this is our answer. Prayers of support to all who suffer and to all who love the ones who suffer. Kathy Kathy <> USA - Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 20:33:04 (CET) Bill <> Retired / Lawenforcement, - Sunday, January 27, 2002 at 07:18:02 (CET) P Peaver < NA > NA, NA USA - Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 23:36:55 (CET) Diane Strutt <> retired, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada - Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 11:18:51 (CET) senait <> business, u.s - Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 18:53:30 (CET) Casi <> Accounting, USA - Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at 17:56:44 (CET) Cyril Tarrant <> R.E. Developer, CANADA - Monday, October 15, 2001 at 01:51:05 (CEST) moshe lundy <> sales, usa - Saturday, July 21, 2001 at 00:22:19 (CEST) How do I get more on these diets. I have Chron's, 30years old and have had it for 17 years. I had to go to the ER tonight do to bad cramping. Beverly Sering 5962 River Hills Rd. Mokan, Mo. 65059 Beverly <> homemaker, usa - Wednesday, June 27, 2001 at 07:05:08 (CEST) Keith Norman <> Parking Meter Repair Supervisor, City of Detroit,MI USA - Tuesday, May 29, 2001 at 19:03:36 (CEST) I wan't to be in that number. Thank you Keith Norman <> Parking Meter Repair Supervisor, City of Detroit,MI USA - Tuesday, May 29, 2001 at 18:59:28 (CEST) Thanks for having this open forum. It's nice to belong to a community where people know how it feels to carry around this "secret." Thanks. Erin McMenamin <> Teacher, USA - Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 15:43:02 (CEST) Nancy <> resort owner, US - Wednesday, February 14, 2001 at 17:46:36 (CET) A friend emailed me and I recently joined a web site
because I have a special health condition. I was in the SCD Web Library
guestbook and I thought I'd take a moment to email you as well. The
name of the website is called
The website allows people to find the exact match of a person facing
the same health condition within a protective environment. It is a place
where people can identify others with whom they want to develop a supportive
relationship. Because you have already registered with this site, I
thought you might like to know. George Kelley <> outfitter, self employed canada - Monday, February 28, 2000 at 08:24:58 (CET) Tim A. Dixon <> Professional Engineer, T.A.D. Consulting, Ltd Calgary/Canada - Monday, February 28, 2000 at 01:17:02 (CET) Christine Obaid <> Music Teacher, self employed USA - Wednesday, February 23, 2000 at 18:18:34 (CET) Kimberley-anne Stanley <> housewife, canada - Monday, February 21, 2000 at 03:38:48 (CET) Deborah <> USA - Saturday, February 19, 2000 at 12:34:33 (CET) Deborah <> freelance, USA - Saturday, February 19, 2000 at 12:24:13 (CET) Edward K. <> Canada - Thursday, February 17, 2000 at 06:38:39 (CET) Jeff Skaff (
- My wife mary has just been diagnosed. Bought book and glad I did. Christian H. Nihls
( - realtor/broker,
Macomb Edrie ( - Programmer(currently), Rose Technology Inc.
- I'd be interested in how people combine the SCD with the Zone diet. It's
great to see so many people contribute their knowledge and experience. Merrilyn Karrels ( - Crafter,
- Breaking the Vicious Cycle is a very informative book however I am very
confused as Dr Weil (Better Health throug natural healing) recommends the
macrobiotic diet which is completely the reverse of the SCD diet?? Can you
explain why one patients testimonial swears that the macrobiotic diet put her in
remission yet every food group is not allowed on yours?
Kolby LaBree ( - student/single mother,
- very interesting, overwhelming! ...much to absorb... questions... jane reidt ( - insurance underwriter, Liberty International
- An excellent resource/help for people on the SCD program. However, how do you
post for questions and answers???? Rob ( - Chiropractor,
- My wife has just been dx'd with US and I'm looking for as much information on
a good diet. I would like to see her get off these drugs. I think she will be
worse off in the long run with the drugs Rob ( - Chiropractor,
- My wife has just been dx'd with US and I'm looking for as much information on
a good diet. I would like to see her get off these drugs. I think she will be
worse off in the long run with the drugs Ronald L. Hoffman, M.D. ( - Physician, Hoffman Center
- Congratulations Elaine! What a wonderful website! I'm referring my patients
and radio listeners here for support in implementing the SCD which I continue to
recommend wholeheartedly. Maybe we can do another show on this on WOR
Radio--please let me know. Dianna Young ( - Event Management, Contractor
- This is an excellent archive of helpful information and letters from other IBD
suffer's. Joe Kiehlmeier ( -
- Very informative ! Looking for advice on how to convince 18 year old son to
start diet. John ( - Computer Systems Analyst,
- I gues I'm a 'newbie'; new to a home PC, new to the internet, new to
chatgroups, etc., and unfortunately, new to UC as well. I will be 'offline' for
the next 10 days, then back and eager to learn about how to handle this problem.
I've read a few of the testemonials, and it's encouraging to know that I'm not
'alone'. Can someone reply to help me get started? Rob ( - Consultant,
Cathy ( - retired elementary school principal,
- My husband has had Crohn's for 30 years, he's been on prednisone for over 20
years, and now he's on the SCD. We're still learning how to follow it, find
products, and read labels. I signed up for the newsletter but haven't received
anything yet. Is this how I ask a question about the diet? Thanks for letting
me know how to ask a question. Cathy Cherie Gesick ( - Mom., Domestic engineers of america
- My first visit here. Still learning about this cross I must bare! Kathy Roche ( - Interpreter for the Deaf,
- Diagnosed '86. Self-imposed diet (similar). 5 years later, Dr. says probably
a misdiagnosis (CD doesn't just "go away"). I forgot about it. A lot
of pain now. Hmmm. My aunt thinks I "cured" myself with the diet. I
couldn't remember all that I did. Will try it again. lindatutty ( -
- I have a J-pouch and would like to hear from anyone who has tried this diet.
Charlotte ( - Projectsecretary, Danish Market Management and Intervention Board
- I was diagnosed with Colitis about 3 years ago. At that time I had been sick
for 17 years. But I didn't loos weight - just had diarrhoea. I tryed acupuncture
for a while but now the diarrhoea has returned. So...... Time to try the diet.
Hope for better luck this time! Mary Ann Thornton ( - travel agent/owns maid service, na
- Just logged on. Found address w/ a book review at Steve Coburn ( - Marketing Rep,
- Crohn's bearer since '91, having big problem with weight loss, been on the
diet for 5 weeks, weight loss somewhat stabilized, but am concerned with energy
levels being low and my activity level being as high as it is. HELP! -- STEVE
L.Pobuda ( - Human Resources Manager,
- I appreciate the practical tips and creative recipes, as one who is just
getting started. Will keep visiting to learn more about the diet. Sharon ( - Desktop Support Specialist, Telecoms UK
- Found the site on Saturday, bought the book on Monday and will start the diet
as soon as I've kitted myself out with a way of making yogurt. Wish me luck. :)
Great site! It's nice to be able to read other people's stories and know that
you are not the only one. Erin ( -
- I am on the diet, but i do not have an inflammatory bowel condition. I have
psoriasis, arthritis, and fibromyalgia and I know the SCD is the answer. I've
done tons of research on diet and chronic illness and it all points to low carbs,
but Elaine's book is the clearest. How can doctors remove peoples' intestines
when the answer is so somple? It's a crime!!! Allison - student,
- After my diagnosis and subsequent bowel resection eight months ago, I thought
I would spend the rest of my life a hostage of Crohn's. The SCD is giving me
hope that I can overcome this obstacle in my life. Eileen Hughes ( - sales,
- This website has been very helpful with questions I had re: Crohn's and my
diet. I currently have been following the SCD for 6 months and I think it is
great! Derek ( -
- Excellent info. Just one question on the recipes: why do so many of the
recipes require you to cook/boil the vegetables? my understanding is that
cooking vegetables actually releases the "starch" that is contained
within? any thoughts on this? Derek ( -
- Excellent info. Just one question on the recipes: why do so many of the
recipes require you to cook/boil the vegetables? my understanding is that
cooking vegetab Nichole ( - nail technician/homemaker,
- I really enjoy this website! I have IBS and did not know what to do. My
doctor was not very helpful, and I thought that diet was the key but I didn't
know where to begin. I have a friend with Chron's disease who has been on the
diet for a year now and having great success. She suggested this for me and it
seems to be helping. Thanks. Laura ( - Customer Assistance,
- I was recently diagnosed with Crohn's and am looking for an alternative to
surgery and my new puffy "Prednisone" face. I want to start the diet
soon but I have a few questions to ask some vetrans. This site has been an
invaluable source of information that not only compliments the book but also
fills in many of the gaps. Thank you! TJ ( - Title insurance/Escrow Assistant,
- My thanks to the SCD has given me my life back after years of pain
and giving my life over to the demands of CD. I was able to take a job and
travel with confidence. This is a wonderful web site. Thanks to Elaine and Mik.
Mike Baberadt ( - Engineer,
- This diet (20 days now)has saved my life after five years of hell. Thank you.
- GOT A LOT OF NICE RECIPES Mark (No e-mail address) - library technician,
- Is it possible to remain a vegetarian on this diet? I eat fish occaisionally
but, I must admit the preponderance of meat, poultry, cheese and egg ingredients
in SCD recipies dismays me! Anyone else with this concern?
Paulette - mom,
- Please note that my previous post did not include the correct e-mail
extension, I am sorry for sending the same post three times. Here is the correct
post, my daughter started the SCD diet a few days ago and I am anxiously waiting
for signs of improvement. If there is anyone that has a child with this
condition, please e-mail me, thank you. Paulette - mom,
- My daughter started the scd diet a few days ago. I am anxiously awaiting
results. We have tried so many other things before without any results. If there
is anyone that has a child with this condition , pls. E-mail me PLEASE. thank You
- Nobody asked my permission to use my emails
James R. Johnson ( - Software Development,
- Thank you so much for providing the SCD Web site. I believe the information
saved my life. I have suffered from chronic diahrea since 1986. Last year
things really deteriorated. I couldn't slow down the diahrea, even with
immodium. I started the diet and the diahrea stopped. I would like to tell you
my story, but there isn't room here. Thora Salamon ( - bookkeeper/homemaker,
- Hello Mik! Thank you for taking the time to provide such an informative
website. It is a relief to read all this information and confirm that my
symptoms are real, and not imaginary, as so many doctors just dismiss them! Am
waiting for delivery of the SCD book by the weekend! P.S. Try acupuncture and a
chiropractor for your shoulder! : ) Angela ( - Insurance customer service,
- I have only recently been diagnosed with ulcerative proctitis (mild colitis)
and have high hopes of this diet replacing the very expensive medication I am
currently taking! Susan M ( - Legal Secretary,
- Very informative. Been suffering with God-Knows-What (IBD, Candida Syndrome,
etc.) for four years. Going to check out this SCD diet. Thanks. Sheryl ( - Desktop Publisher,
- Excellent web site. Very informative, but I'd love to know where I can get
this book from and start this diet. I can't find it anywhere in England. Any
suggestions welcome!!! Theresa Grenier ( - umemployed,
- ready to try alternatives than 6MP Carol Zimmerman ( - credit manager,
- My husband has had ulcerative colitus for 35 years and has taken steriods for
almost that long. His doctor has nver told us of different ways to "heal?
the disease. This diet in some ways is close to the Adkins Diet that we are
both currently on. We have both lost considerable amounts of weight considering
that we have only been on it 1 month. I am gla Clay Herzog ( - Engineer, Herzog Design
- Up dated info regarding DCCC and the Reiter Dairy, OH. The Reiter Dairy
currently gets their DCCC from Fairmont Products in Bellville, PA 717-935-2121.
Fairmont currently ships the product in only 50# packages to commercial accounts.
If they would consider packaging for the retail market if there was sufficient
interest. Hmm... Fresh Fields perhaps? Amy Bottom ( - Nurse,
- I think this is a terrific website. I have tried the diet and had tremendous
success. However, for some reason I started cheating and have relapsed somewhat.
Elaine says to add foods gradually and see how you tolerate them. This is
confusing for me as I don't have immediate problems after eating particular
foods. Any advice? Jo ( - Student Adviser,
- I was so pleased to stumble across Elaine's book and your website. I was
diagnosed with UC Nov97 and am just getting over my 2nd flare up. I'm on my 4th
day of the diet and feeling better already although it's hard to tell whether
it's the diet or drugs at the moment. My Dr isn't the least bit supportive, it's
an isolating experience IBD. Thanks Guys! William (Laing) - Retired,
- Mik. An exellent page for an exellent cause. keep up the fine work mik.
Susan ( - wife of U.C. patient,
- Good site. Coincidentally I found a blurb in a book about Attention Deficit
Disorder (ADD) that patients often have some form of IBD. Lots to think about.
My husband was a super-fast child, and still exhibits much of the behavior of
adult ADD. Hope this can help someone. Thanks for your website. Matsy Walker ( - Retired/Genealogical Research,
- Receips great; but, right now no help to me. Catherine A. Mercer ( - Entrepeneur, KCM Eastern Express
- I have fibromyalgia and just started the diet. I am feeling better already -
this is confusing to say the least! Kenny Girdner ( - Mechanic,
- Very good looking forward to checking out this diet,since my doctor says it
don't matter what you eat. Flora Caputo ( - art director, SCC Advertising
- I love the website, and have visited many time. I have Crohn�s and have been
on the diet for about 6 mos. I feel so much better, although Christmas was hard
and I cheated a little. But I am back on track now. I also use supplements with
the help of a holi Joyce ( - homemaker/mother etc.,
- Great Web site, Just started diet and believe it will work where others I
could not stay on. Love it.
Pat ( - wife/mom, CCFA
- Crohn's disease, diagnosed 1967--2surgeries, many hospitalizations, am on
Pentasa--just heard of SCD, not sure it would work for me Dana Dennis ( - Assistant manager Paint industry,
- Very Informative. But, does anyone know of a link between Crohn's disease and
hyperactive thyroid? Is there any people with Crohn's that have this thyroid
condition. I found the diet to be very effective in treating Crohn's but haven't
tried it now that I have developed this thyroid condition -- possibly due an
immune suppressing drug prescribed for Crohn's. Ann Poor ( - Customer Service,
- I am responding to a discussion about acne & yoghurt applied to affected
areas. Jim in his 5/3/97 email said it helped him with his acne, so I started
trying it & now it is worse than ever. I would welcome anyone's comments about
this. Is this normal for it to get worse while using the yoghurt face pack before
it gets better? Any comments would be appreciate Jocelyn Martinkus ( - student, Miami University
- This site has made me more optimistic towards the diet. I was diagnosed with
UC in May of 98 (I am 20 years old) and am weaning off pred and am on asacol. I
feel great now, but last month was hell so i am willing to try anything. I would
love to hear more stories or suggestions! thanks Bob Jamieson ( - Environmental Manager, Fortune 500 Company
- First time visitor - haven't gone all through site yet Melissa A. LaRiviere (wimsicalturtle) - Mother,
- This seems like something that might help me get a control on my Crohn's
disease. Peter ( - Student,
- Interesting site. Not sure the SCD diet is effective for Crohn's however.
Ted Jaskot ( - Software Engineer,
- I am about to start the diet however, I have read on various news groups that
the diet does not work for some people. What I have read was alot of people with
blood type other than "O" the diet won't work. I have some hesitance
about starting but I think I will give it the old college try. What I read in
Elaine's book makes sense. Ted Tanya Zilberter ( (Dr. Zilberter)) - physiologist, Mining Co
- Good job!
Debby Arehart ( - EDI Analyst, NDC
- Interesting and informative. My brother has UC and is currently on a strict
liquid diet, has been for almost 1 month and will be for at least another 3
weeks. Curious what this could do for him once he's allowed to introduce food
back into his diet. He's on antibiotics, steriods, asacol, ?? and methotrexate
injections.... Carol Watson ( - teacher,
Brian Cook ( - mechanic,
- great site thank you Judi Chimits ( - My Kid's Mom,
- Have been on the diet since March 98. I have Ulcerative Proctitis. I am now 10
weeks pregnant and having difficulties gaining weight. As you can guess, all of
my favorite foods are not allowed on the diet and going without saltines is quite
difficult with morning sickness. Does anyone have suggestions? susan tremble ( -
mel ( -
- thanks, this page has been extremely helpful and supportive Lisa Quigley ( - Land Consultant,
- Just found out in April that I have Celiac. As of May 25, I have eating on the
SCD and haven't looked back. I feel so much better! I do have a few questions
about foods not specifically mentioned in the book though.
Karen (KLKinnaird) - Office Manager in family business,
- Just starting diet for my 19 year old daughter, doctor told her diet has
absolutely nothing to do with Crohn's Disease. I don't buy that. She stopped
dairy products 2 weeks ago and her diarhea is getting better, but she's still
bleeding. He upped her Pred, said maybe a hospital stay will be neccessary. I
sure hope this diet works. Max Johnson ( - Crohn's Disease Sufferer,
- Great Site!!! cheryl edwards ( - healthcare,
- it is great could you send me info about diet have never heard about it
margaret houston ( - housewife,
- love it Jackie Palmer ( - public health,
- My 21 month-old daughter has been on the diet for several months now. Is also
taking 1/2 tsp. Senokot daily. Doing much better. Never diagnosed by conventional
doctors, except with a milk-protein allergy, which Elaine laughed at. Looking for
others in similar situation. Judy Gardiner ( - admin assist, publishing
- Although I have a very mild case of Crohn's, a reaction to drugs prescribed
for a flare-up put me out of work for four months. It's taken forever to get over
that, but the scd diet has kept the disease in remission since Oct 98, so I can
stay hopefully s Linda Lafferty ( -
- I feel this is great for those who need support like I do. I truly feel alone
with this diet. Vanetta George ( - Artist,
- I'm on the diet and I'm still having "D". Help! I may not be able to
handle yogurt. Anthony Graziano ( - marketing consultant, J.D. Edwards
- I'm very excited about reading more on the site. I'm just beginning the diet
and I'm eager to share and learn from experiences of others. Mary Ann Cooper ( - chronic hypochondriac, none
Paula I. Plumber ( - TV developer, none
Ross McCallum ( - meat cutter,
- I'm so glad I found this site and I hope to glean as much as possible re
recipes and places to get the not so easy to find foods (I live in Hawaii) not
available here. Was diagnosed w/ crohns about five weeks ago and my mother who
lives "down the road" fr Stephanie Duran ( - Painter,
- I have a son, 16, who has had ulcerative colitis since he was 8 years old. I
have read and put him on Elaine Gottschall's diet and he lasted about one month.
It is a very difficult diet for a child/teenager. He is now on Imuran and Flagyl.
We hope to get him off the flagyl soon. I am looking for recipes other than the
ones in the book. Thanks. Kathy Ellis ( - Banker geek, Small community bank
- I have been suffering from chronic diarrhea for two years and just started
"surfing" on the net for information because of the privacy of it. I
don't want to undergo unnecessary, invasive procedures for no reason. This site
has been very informative. I would like to know if others have symptoms such as
hypoglycemia or depression. Kathy Barrett ( - writer,producer, Gottamoo Productions
- The Gottschall saved my life. I've been on it for a year and a half and I'm
happy to report I'm medication free. I'm developing a documentary on Elaine and
the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. Please contact me with your experiences. Lona Hunter ( - mother,
REMOVED. Francesca Vargas ( - Dancer,
- I've been the diet for more than a year and it is helping, but I'd like to
make contact with folks on the diet living in Spain or Portugal, to compare notes
about hard-to-find or nonexistent foods and what they use as substitutes. Am I
all alone here? :-) delwin ferguson ( - UNITED STATES ARMY,
- Wonderful, informative, and great to touch base with other crohnies.I 've just
started on a new drug entocort its working very well,any comments about the drug?
I've been on the diet for 7yrs. and had crohns for 22yrs. Pamela ( - teacher 's aid,
- Wonderful, informative, and great to touch base with other crohnies. Cecilia Egan ( - Designer, King Island Bakery
- Please recommend an SCD group in AUSTRALIA! Are there any other Australian IBD
sufferers out there who are on the Net? I'd like to get together and source some
foods. Valerie Vigil ( - homemaker, mom,
- I'm sure that this will be very helpful to me while supporting my husband in
the battle against colitis. Steve ( - Service Manager,
- Dear Sirs, I caught your web site by chance and read your letters. There were
very negative articles on Ambrotose. I suggest that before anybody judges this
product that they go to the Mannatech web site and find out more about this
company. they might be mildly surprised if they take the time to read about this
new nutrition technology.
Wendy ( - Library Tech,
- I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in '94. I am considering trying the
diet, after Christmas that is. I would like to hear results from other ulcerative
colitis sufferers. Thanks. April ( - Teacher,
- Very useful page Alpaslan Akpinar ( - engineer,
- I have just embarked on SCD I bought the book and I am full of hope.
- (Continuation of 1st entry) homemade yogurt, honey, and cooked fruit. No
tolerance for veggies other than cooked carrots. Do we have hope of improvement?
I want her off Prednisone! Thank you, Michele Leslie Carr ( - Student,
- My daughter Natalie, 9, has Crohn's (or maybe UC). We have been on SCD since
Feb., while her Prednisone was 10mg/day & 5-ASA was 1000mg/day. We have gradually
reduced Pred. to 3mg/day. Starting in March her Diarrhea came back 1x/day, but no
bleeding. We have continued the diet and reducing Pred. She gets mostly meat, nut
bread, (see continuation) Muriel Shaw ( - retired, not applicable
- Would like to post a query regarding obtaining yoghurt starter for an Easi-yo
yogurt maker. The makers (H.O. New Zealand, cannot locate phone number or
addresss) only English supplier of the culture is longer carrying it. How do I do
this? T C ()medical electronics,
- interesting Beth ( - student,
- How do I get a copy of the diet? I was diagnosed with crohns at ll, 4 years
ago. Glenn Rung ( - Retired USAF/Full time student,
- Finally! More information on the SCD. Until now, all I had was Elaine's book.
Found this Web Site by accident, but I sure am happy I did. Diagnosed with
Crohn's three years ago, but have had symptoms for six years. Been on the SDC for
two months and never felt better. Looking forward to more info in the future.
Matthew Cirillo ( - Financial Analyst/Unemployed Rock Star, The Carter Center, Atlanta, GA
- Life enhancing, a testimonial to Elaine and all of us who have adhered to the
diet and reaped the rewards. Keep it up!
Hans ( -
- Great homepage! I may also try the specifik carbohydrate diet. I'm 34 and got
colitis 5 years ago. Kim ( - Student,
- I love this because I was just diagnosed with Cronhs Diaease.Also I can go
thourgh and browse the web.I love all the things in here because I can chat in
chatroom and send e-mail to other kids that have the same disease I have. Tom Accuosti ( - VP Manufacturing Operations,
- Just picked up the book & looked for EG site on impulse. Diagnosed IBS several
years ago, been on several "elimination diets" testing for food allergies.
Anxious to see if SCD helps. Will miss pizza & beer, but I can live on steamed
veggies and poached fish, no problem. Glenn Hiott ( - clerk, none
- Your page is wonderful. Drop me a line sometimes.
Amy Rasberry ( - student,
- I have had the specific carbo. diet for over a year now and can attest to the
success of it. Sticking to the diet will make my pain disappear and improve my
mood greatly. Other than lacking discipline the only other problem I have
encountered was the development of scar tissue after 3 months on the diet. Still,
it's the best treatment I have ever tried. Liz MacKay ( - customer service,
- I have been diagnosed for almost nine years and haven's had surgery yet. I am
glad to see that there is a place where people acn get new information and share
ideas. This page is now bookmarked for me and I will tell others. Thanks and keep
up the great work!! Carol ( - librarian,
Finn - teacher, GL
- 63 years old. I take great interest in the matter, especially Lutz Susan Taylor ( - nusring station secretary, university of Minnesota
- I was diagnosed 6 months ago; Hope this works? Jesse C. -
- Iam 11 years old and have been though alot I hope this works Jillian Martin ( - student,
- Thanks for all the great recipes. It sure makes things a lot easier! Mary Darling ( - mom of 7-mos-old baby,
- Encouraging! Made me feel hope again! TONY TAYLOR (TWOHY@EROLS.COM) - REALTOR,
- HELPFULL Eddy Hofmann ( - Soldier, US Army
- Just started the ATKINS "No-Carbohydrate" Diet. Will try it for 2 weeks and
see if it works? Quit smoking/nicateen three months ago and gained 25 pounds -
can't lose it even with 1 1/2 hrs of exercise a day. Other than my pot belly I'm
in great shape. Denise Dempsey ( -
- I just began the scd two weeks ago and have found this site invaluable for
support and infromation that isn't necessarily in "Breaking the Vicious Cycle."
Thank you, Mik, for setting all this up! Denise Ryan Sean Rubin ( - Student, University
- Thanks for providing this site for us. Please continue adding more recipes to
the list. (Perhaps a couple of gluten-free breads/cakes/biscuits etc).
Benito Rey (102036, - Computer Programming,
- I congratulate all of you for the idea of this site. Perhaps because the fact
that I know Java and VRML I have found that this site could improve its lay out
using some Java Applets. I also consider that your work is important. Thanks for
this opportunity. Benito Rey Sharon ( -
- Thanks to whoever is keeping up the beautiful site
at Mik (private: / work: - webmaster
- Okay, folks! Hereby opening this Guestbook. There is a problem when submitting
the text due to some technical problem I cannot figure out, but I hope we can use
it anyhow. |