




SCD Testimonials


  The SCD Path To Success

What does it take to become aware of the SCD? What does it take to try it? To make it work? How difficult is it to follow?

In addition to the other personal testimonials in this section, this page summarizes what many have gone through before starting the SCD and the critical success factors to helping it work.


SCD Critical Success Factors

Subject: re: SCD critical success factors
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2000
From: Mike Simons
To: Nancy Emerson , *SCD Listserve

Regarding your post about the SCD "hurting people", and the challenge the parent of your teenage student faces [in getting their child to try the SCD], I agree with [listmember] Brian in that I would have had a hard time with the SCD in high school (1982). In my opinion, getting the SCD to work requires an open attitude, personal motivation (vested interest), a supporting family or structure, and reduction of stress. This mix of critical success factors is not easy to accomplish. In reality, to get the drugs to *really* work in place of the SCD, the same is necessary. And while the doctors won't tell anyone about the SCD, they rarely discuss these other critical success factors, either.

I was diagnosed as a sophomore in high school. It was a very stressful time for me and I am quite certain that stress was the major trigger--there were others, including a slightly-remote family history of CD, having always internalized my emotions as a kid, and environmental factors -- there were 2 other kids not 1 mile from my home that were diagnosed with CD or UC the same year as I was. Perhaps it was something in the water? Was it the proverbial "Jewish mother syndrome" (mine is Catholic)? Was there some mysterious ingredient in the spray they used to kill the Gypsy Moth caterpillars that year, ala Erin Brockovitch?? Was it all of this together? Yup.

Anyway, I did hear about a "change in diet" while I was in college, around 1984. At the time I was in a pain-free time, drug free state, and pretty much ate what I wanted and dealt with it - with plenty of diarrhea (D). Then in 1994 and 1995 I frequented the newsgroup, but I do not recall anything about diet. I do recall plenty of fish oil and omega 3 discussion, which I ignored because the Asacol and 6-MP were keeping me in a pain-free state (again, with plenty of D). [Point: I was never able to get rid of the D until I started the SCD!!!] In 1996 my girlfriend Laura (now wife) introduced me to a woman named Louise Anderson (upper west side, NYC). I visited Louise 4 or 5 times for "body and mind work". Whatever criticism anyone has about chakras and auras and craniosacral massage and the like--she can dispell all of that and make a believer of anyone--at least she made me a believer. Her key questions for me during all of our sessions were: "OK, so you got Crohn's back in 1982. You've had it since then. Why won't you let it go? Why are you allowing it to control you? And most importantly, What would your life be like without it?" Ohhh, how I resisted answering those questions. I just couldn't. Or so I thought.

My folks had taken the whole family to someone back in 1983, several sessions' worth of psychobabble stuff. These sessions were just a big finger-pointing gripefest. I was not able to extricate myself enough to learn what was going on until I met Louise. Then in 1996 Laura and I came to Tucson on a vacation, to see if I would move here with her (versus my staying in NYC and her moving here for her Ph.D. studies without me). I fell in love with Tucson--the wonderful food, the hiking, the perpetual blue skies, the relaxed atmosphere, and more. Anyway, we were hiking one afternoon and I got a bad case of D. What had started as a wonderful day quickly turned sour. I lagged way behind. I squirmed and twisted to try to hold it back. It was horrible. Finally I explained that there was no way I could make it back to the trailhead and bathrooms. I needed to go. So, like so many others on this list, I found the most private place I could on the hard, rocky, cactus-ridden trail and made a big stinky mess. I had to use leaves to clean myself. It was so damned humiliating! And that was it--that was the last straw.

I got back to NYC, saw Louise one more time, and got the name of Elaine's book (Louise was well aware of it and had asked: Why I wouldn't try it?). Laura and I moved to Tucson, but it took me 2 months to purchase the book, four months to muster up the guts (pun intended) to try it. I found out that a new friend's son (10 years old) was on the SCD and was doing great. They told me how they cooked enough food for 2-3 days, put everything in glass or tupperware, and sent him to school, friends' homes for sleepovers, etc. When I started the SCD on 1/1/97, I told my wife that I was going to do it for 30 days. Then another 30. Then another 30. And I've never looked back.

The success I enjoy with the SCD is so liberating. It used to be that when I dined out I'd eat and then have to go to the bathroom. Now that things are in control, and I know what to eat (and what not to) my life is - well, pure bliss!!! My wife and I both love to cook, so the added fun of translating our old, favorite recipes to SCD is just fine. We both benefit from the SCD (coincidentally, my wife has finally realized that she had suffered from IBS for almost 40 years. Eating the same food has done wonders for her, too).

As you can see, maintaining the right "mix" keeps me in remission. It'll be four years this January 1st. I am so happy that I finally heeded all of Elaine's work and Louise's suggestions. It has made a world of difference. And that is why I dedicate so much time to maintaining the site, as well as my personal SCD food log and other internet locations. So many will benefit from this regimen for remission! And has soooooo many have said, thank God for Elaine!!!!

Successful SCD-ers have an open attitude, personal motivation, a loving support structure, and a way to control stress (for me, weight training at the gym twice a week and yoga twice a week).

Again, all of this is my own opinion. :-)

-Mike Simons Tucson, AZ
and if that ain't enough there's the mother lode @

|> More of Mike's Success Story



SCD Listserve Manager's Reply

Subject: re: SCD critical success factors
Date: Tues, 26 Sep 2000
From: Rachel Turet

And if one compiled a database (that surely would be mocked as non-scientific) from the tons of histories we have, of those that have enjoyed the fruits of SCD, all you'd have to do is substitute dates, names, locations (your most memorable nightmare was in the desert, mine was on a comuter train), and you'd have a story that repeats itself over and over.

  • A) Diagnosis of a hopeless disease (a few variations)
  • B) Discovery of a possible solution
  • C) Ambivalance about commitment (based on false medical data)
  • D) Decision to commit (founded on a "what have I got to lose" attitude)
  • E) Success, success, success!
  • F) A burning desire to "spread the word"
  • G) Frustration at finding C) at every turn

For a lot of us, this ends one chapter in our lives and begins the happy, productive, symptom-free ones. My one regret is that it seems that while some of us use this experience to "take up the cause" and fight to abolish the medical ignorance that keeps so many in the dark, it seems that an equal number, just take their gift and run, choosing to forget that this is a fight that needs every success story as amunition. I've had emails that say, in affect, "thanks so much for everything. I'm now well and don't have time for all this mail. I have my life back and am much too busy living it. Good luck and so long."

(sigh) Rachel

|> More of Rachel's Success Story



Making our own choices in life

Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000
From: Colleen Mcdonald

To everyone, especially those folks who feel that they can't live without "regular" food:

This morning I was thinking about how difficult it can be sometimes when all you want is one little croissant, one little bag of potato chips, something CHOCOLATE, for God's sake, and the analogy suddenly hit me, of repeatedly being drawn to the instant gratification of that hit, in spite of the devastating, chronic effects - just like alcoholism or addiction! I've never had an addictive bone in my body, but I think I'm getting a sense now of what it must be like to be alcoholic and confronted at every turn by social drinking, having to say, "No, thanks - can't touch the stuff," no matter how strong the desire.

It's very simple - we sacrifice the short-term fix for the long-term benefit of health recovery. So to those who feel that they could "never" give up this or that or they couldn't possibly follow the diet without cheating, I would say this, along the lines of Rational Recovery, the system developed by Jack Trimpey for self-recovery from addiction: You are ruled by the neo-cortex (adult) portion of your brain, and you are allowing yourself instead to be pushed around by the primitive portion, that little child who wants his/her French fries *now*, the portion which keeps telling you that you cannot possibly adhere fanatically to so strict a diet - and you allow this to happen because it excuses you from pigging out on Cheetos. You are an adult. You have a responsibility to yourself to do whatever it takes to heal your body, and if you are not willing to face this fact, then you will reap the consequences.

I love potato chips, chocolate and Cheetos as much as the next guy. But those things which I love have been destroying me, and so, just like an addict, I have to leave them behind, even if it's painful. Period.

We all make our own choices in life. Just thought I'd share this.
Love, Colleen-CD

|> It takes determination

"..Successful SCD-ers have an open attitude, personal motivation, a support structure, and a way to control stress..."


